Animation, drama, documentaries...poetry in motion—shorts that pack a punch! Get a preview of the eclectic storytelling mix of with this year’s batch of Independent Lens Online Shorts winners.
Eleven films, each under ten minutes, explore...
Emmy Award-winning Independent Lens, the film festival in your living room, brings you the second annual film festival at your fingertips.
In Richmond, CA, nine-year-old Jyeshria wants a bulletproof vest—and she's dead serious. In Austin, TX, Mrs. Ella Mae Pease’s House of Elegance offers more than just beauty uplifts. In Los Angeles, homeless veterans discover the healing power of song, and in a small room in Anywhere USA, a man is tormented by his furniture.
Fascinating people. Unexpected stories. Independent voices. View. Vote. Download. Enjoy! Watch the 11 award-winning films at the Independent Lens Online Shorts Festival: