A Kunoichi Productions:AMVs From The Heart: edited by blueflower1016(me)
Ok this is basically my first video with this series and Im not done watching it yet so this was kind of spoilers for me, but who cares Im done now. This is a love triangle between the girl with orange hair her boyfriend and her best friend(girl with blue hair). The ring you see in the beginning was given to the girl with blue hair in her b-day and that same day the other girl had the accident, so for me that ring symbolizes something in the series9idk what yet since im not done watching it)
Well anyways watch and comment.
Program Used: Sony Vegas 7.0
Time Spent in editing: 3 days
Any other info you might want is in the credits! so dont ask me!
Ps: some clips were repeated because I didnt have enough.
btw in 26 secs-29 secs i tried to make that look like a flashback, ok but i couldnt get it good so thats the best i could do w/ it