"We're looking certainly at financial rewards, but we believe very strongly that there are other rewards that come in investing, and those come in terms of progress made for people and for the planet," says Chris Coyne about the dual missions of Coyne Brothers LLC, an investment firm that focuses on doing good as well as on doing due diligence.
"We can do a lot with money -- a lot that's beneficial to the economy but also that's beneficial to human progress," Coyne tells Behind the Money in our video interview. "Most of the projects that we embrace are clean; they're green; and they're high tech. They promote jobs. They promote abundance models, but they also promote conditions that are beneficial to human progress."
Some startups recently backed by Coyne Brothers include: Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies Inc., which is developing a wastewater treatment system that produces fertilizer as a byproduct; First Juice, which makes low-sugar organic juice for toddlers; and Saber Seven Inc., a year-old ...