NCS Bruins vs. SC Trojans. The Trojans were no match for the Bruins Thunder and Lightning Offense, Mauling Defense, NFL Catches and blocking, Cheering Bruins Beauties, Proud Bruins Parents, and Glowing Coaches, Staff, Families, and Friends!
Spectacular NFL catches for a touchdown and a crucial 4th quarter first down were turned in by Ian & Brian. Thunder & Lightning Offense provided great blocks and protection for Austin & Adam's runs and passes with the former grinding out crucial yards and 1st downs and the latter producing 2 electrifying touchdown runs. Mike & Dax caught 2 point conversions.
The "Bruins Beauties" Cheerleading Squad lifted the Team's Spirit to new heights as their "Rosy Dreams" continue...
Bruins 22 - Trojans 8. Let's go Bruins, let's go! ... We've got Spirit, how about you! Win Bruins, You Can Do It!