The Renegade Network Marketer, by Mike Klingler...
Here is a straight-forward review of Ann Sieg’s e-book, The Renegade Network Marketer.
I bought the Renegade Network Marketer in August, introduced the book and Ann Sieg to my group a week later, and then took a couple weeks to test out the marketing strategies Sieg discussed.
I was totally blown away by what happened.
I’d been training and coaching thousands of network marketers through webinars and live conference calls for years. I was working more personally with about 70 or so people when we introduced Ann Sieg’s Renegade. I know what it’s like for networkers to struggle with the old model of business building, so when I saw people duplicating just a couple weeks into our ‘test’ I knew we’d never do anything the same way in the business again.
The Renegade Network Marketer has allowed me and my team to go from wasting tons of money on leads and advertising, to now attracting our ...