*MISS YAMAGOOCHI- the very haughty and bossy secretary who thinks she is the only reason why booss deezinz can survive, with good reason, becuase the boss never does anything
*BOOSS- the boss of booss deezinz who sits around all day and eats; she depends too much on miss yamagoochi and hates it when people call her about problems; her motto is "no refunds!"
*MISS YOUCHE- the owner and boss of the Mustahd company; she repeats herself alot and has on-and-off tempers, but she usually does her job as boss
*MLT- a worker at booss deezinz who is somewhat like the booss: she's always eating. what's even worse, she always uses the company's name to order her own food [and often forgets when she does/does not do it], that's why miss ooz has such an easy time framing her with the hotdog incident
*MISS OOZ- an "easy," stupid, scatter-brained worker at booss deezinz who dyed her hair pink; she is miss yamagoochi's best friend, which may be the only reason why she still works at booss deezinz