This is a short teaser for the upcoming web-series, MOONSHINE. Moonshine is the tale of Toby Smithy, a jaded, frazzled oddball journalist working for 'Over The Horizon' newspaper. 'Over The Horizon' deals in stories that deal with the extraterrestrial, supernatural and hyper-real. They've been in the paper business for the past 25 years. Toby confides in his sidekick, Harold, a younger, more ambitious version of himself and a talented photographer to boot. Moonshine tells that tale of man's journey into the unknown, all controlled by the viewing audience. Watch Part 1 of Episode 1 this Monday, March 26 Then tune back APRIL 2 for Part 2 APRIL 9 for Part 3 - After Part 3, YOU, the audience will get your chance to vote on where the story will go next! ITS ALL IN YOUR HANDS