FAKE HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST AND ORWELLIAN POLICE ALIKE JOURNALIST: The mass psychogenic illness of Havana's Robert Bartholomew syndrome and my case through eyes of Londonian Buckingham palace per Moscow and Belgrade
Finally, if you are attacked with directed energy weapons or poisoned with poison which is causing body/mind same reaction as directed energy weapons do OR VICE-VERSA WITH IDEA TO PORTRAY VICTIM AS ILLEGITIMATE(discredit one after even subjecting one to most harsh torture as I was drugged up for 3 and half years 24/7 straight over period of 25 years), it makes no difference whatsoever. CRIME IS CRIME !!! Prince William when confronted in 2010 with if he is not worried about having his brain modified to same degree as Putin has due to Stalin alike megalomania answered with, "nope, thats the one doesn't worry me". So there you have it your British justice.