click here for important information: ・・✪ -subliminal messaging- ✪ ・・ what the heck is it?! well, it is a variety of highly advanced techniques involving persistent consciousness "drilling". One could acquire anything they wish from this amazing technique! (even divinity believe it or not). This basically gives: ✪ - Instant Results ✪ - Almighty Shape-shifter Status. ✪ - Magical Shape-shifter Transformation. ✪ - Divine Shape-shifter Consciousness. ✪ - Shape-shifter Genetics. ✪ - Shape-shifter Soul / Spirit. ✪ - Shape-shifter Head, Neck, Body and Bodily Systems. ✪ - Immune, Circulatory, Reproductive, Respiratory, Endocrine, Skeletal, Digestive, Excretory, Muscular, Shape-shifter Magic Energy Generating, Shape-shifter Empowerment and Wing Manifestation Systems. [ The Shape-shifter Empowerment and Magic Energy Generating System gives you infinite power from within ] ✪ - Shape-shifter Face, Eyes, Eye Color, Nose and Mouth. ✪ - Shape-shifter Hair, Hair Texture and Hair Length. ✪ - Shape-shifter Eyelashes. ✪ - Superior Shape-shifter and Bone Density. ✪ - Superior Strength, Absolute/Divine Shape-shifter Attractiveness, Fitness and Weight. ✪ - Permanently Safe and Instant Results. ✪ - Every Shape-shifter Power. ✪ - Immortality, Invincibility, Shape-shifting, Flight, Wing Manifestation Magic, Teleportation Magic, Level-Up Magic, Transformation Magic, Mimicking Magic, Elemental Magic, Cosmic Magic, Protection Magic, Survival Magic, Escapism Magic, Revival Magic, Concept Transcending Magic, Intuition Magic, Reality Magic, Technology Magic, Illusion Magic, and Linguistic Magic. ✪ - Mythical Realism Magic, Mythical Guardian and Companion Magic, Size Manipulation Magic, Over-Powerment Magic, Desire Magic, Evolution Magic, Life Magic and Creation Magic. ✪ - Magic Remembrance Almighty Power Gain, Self Belief and Magical Belief Empowerment. ✪ - Bestowal and Negation Powers™️ ✪ - Attack and Aversion Powers ✪ - Divine Coexistence. All affirmations are permanent and in the “instant” tense. -And SO much more!!