Part 1 - Kitty Part
2 - Amber Part
3 - Steffy Part
4 - Elsa
Part 5 - Ariel
Part 6 - Nette
Part 7 - Michelle
Part 8 - Angel
Part 9 - Teresa
Part 10 - Kikki
I don't want any of you to assume that the winners won because they edited with anime, or because we like the anime they used or that we're friends with them. Judging is about as fair as it gets, we grade based on our own opinions then discuss the videos and may come to the conclusion that we should each change our scores or something. As I've stated in the chat, I would prefer to not do the whole let the viewers choose thing, due to the fact that people will most likely just share with their friends & get them to vote for them. (& I believe that's very unfair) I don't want anyone to feel like just because they lost they aren't good enough to be in this group, or that your editing is bad...though a lot of you stated you didn't care whether you won/lost, a few of you were upset with your scores and the scores don't state how good of an editor you are, you are all wonderful editors in your own special ways. I hope you'll all stay tuned for the next IC like this! (I hope to do one every two weeks or every month at least!)