With the guidance of an old master named Agostino, three teenagers embark on separate missions around the globe to vanquish the planet's darkest forces. Koemi saves people from self-destruction. Harata thwarts would-be terrorists. Eleanor instructs others on how to grow their natural psychic abilities. Individually, they are powerful agents of good. Melded together as a group, who knows what unimaginable energy might be unleashed?
That question is what drives the villainous Venceslao, who is on a mission to capture the three healers and others like them and then harness their talents for his own malevolent purposes. And it will be up to Koemi, Harata and Eleanor to find a way to stop this deadly adversary in time to save all of humankind from utter annihilation.
Follow seven gifted teens as they discover that they are destined to save the world and must use their supernatural gifts to battle the forces of evil that threaten everyone.