Title: 해운대 연인들 / Hae-woon-dae Yeon-in-deul Genre: Comedy, romance, action Song Hyeon-wook Writer: Hwang Eun-Kyung Episodes: 16 Synopsis : Lee Tae-sung is a special elite detective who goes undercover to infiltrate a crime family but ends up getting into an accident and loses his memory. Since he was undercover at the time of the accident the identity that he recovers is the wrong one. Jang So-ra is the daughter of the mobster's boss who he falls in love. Casts: Kim Kang Woo as Lee Tae Sung, Jo Yeo-jung as Go So Ra, Jung Suk Won as Choi Joon Hyuk, Nam Gyu Ri as Yoon Se Na, Kang Min-kyung (Davichi) as Hwang Joo-hee, Park So Yeon (소연 of T-ARA) as Lee Kwan Soon.