The story begins with Kardo (Cris Villanueva) and Marissa (Janice de Belen), a couple who has always wanted to bear a child. One day, Marissa accidentally destroys a mound believed to be a nuno sa punso, killing the daughter of Calixto (Jestoni Alarcon) and Abiana (Jackielou Blanco), the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of duwendes. Abiana and Calixto are left devastated as this marks the end of their reign as well as chaos in the land of the duwendes. Knowing that the women in the duwende world can only bear one child in their lifetime, Abiana uses her power to curse Marissa’s child so she can take the baby and replace it with the dead princess. Abiana steals Dwarfina (Heart Evangelista) upon birth and presents it as their princess, much to the surprise of Romera (Angelika dela Cruz). Romera is the one who is truly responsible for the death of Abiana’s daughter, aware that once the death of the real princess comes out, Calixto and Abiana will be forced out of their throne and she will become the new queen. Calixto, however, is filled with remorse upon seeing how much Marissa and Kardo love their child. The royal duwende couple then decides to return Dwarfina to her family while keeping everything as a secret from the duwendes. Despite being born with one glaring abnormality that is her height, Dwarfina grows up with the love and support of her family and friends, especially her bestfriend Lyndon (Dennis Trillo). This causes Lucille (Iwa Moto), Marissa and Kardo’s adopted daughter, to harbor jealousy toward her sister prompting her to throw Dwarfina into a river, hurting her father Kardo in the process. Lucille puts the blame on Dwarfina, who is then helplessly carried away by the raging rapids, never to be seen by her family again.