Here's A Quick & Easy 1-2-3 Step-By-Step 'Cheat-Sheet'
For 'How to Open a Youtube Account' Based On The Video Above:
1. is the king of video sharing sites and definitely the way you wanna start.
2. Go to and click sign in to Youtube now!
3. If you don't have a gmail account
- You can click sign up for YouTube account.
- Answer the questions and click on Create my Account.
4. If you have a google gmail account you can sign by clicking Sign in with your google account!
5. Enter your gmail log in details and click on sign in.
6. Provide your wanted username and check for the ability
7. Answer the other questions and enter the captcha code.
8. Check the boxes and click on create my account.
9. Edit your channel by clicking on your username then click on edit channel.
- Put information on your channel then click on Update channel.
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