Title: Who Am I As A Nghia Sy?
Time: 13-15 minutes
Joe, a NS, gets into a "conflict" with a group of gangsters who have these stereotypes of what it means to be a NS.
-1st scene: TN is like a military, where NS gets bully by HT; stepping scene follows
-2nd scene: NS are just in it for the girls(/guys), which then leads to the girl/guy dance segment.
-3rd scene: showdown between the gangsters and the NS ("dance competition").The gangsters loses to the NS, but then the NS decides to make truce and show them what being a Nghia Sy is all about: Fun, Friends, and Faith.
-In the final scene, they come together for a rally. Yay.
Technical Needs:
1)CD/music to be played during dance segments/rally
***song(s) will be edited to a "clean" version =)
2)will have pre-recorded voice over for skit, unless microphones could be provided (at least 3 mics...)
3)possibly some spotlighting, but not uber essential to have them