on April 4th at Cartoon Upfront Execs announced that this coming fall the latest animated Batman Series will begin airing on Cartoon Network. The series, titled Batman the Brave and the Bold, from the same production team as the Legion of Super Heroes series, will follow the format of the Brave and the Bold books and basically be a team up title and will feature heroes such as Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Aquaman and more. The new series will be rooted in its own continuity and while the art appears to be a bit campy with it airing on friday night along with the clone wars it might be a bit more mature in content that the previous series. This continues the great tradition of batman animated series and looks to be exciting. I think that Cartoon network is a good home for the show and the brave and the bold format will keep it fresh and exciting throughout. The other characters he partners up with are said to be providing the comic relief which will be good to play off the dark style of batman. The art ...