So. Here's the finished version of "Var minut", And once again, I sat up all night just to finish this, and even though, I got a bit tired in the end, it came out pretty good, I think! This video is dedicated to two people, that I hold dear (: Simone, my bestestest friend, with whom I share the love for the song used in the video, and Sawnahchan/Sanna (: You're the coolest girl :D - And, weren't you able to understand swedish? (; [As just mentioned, the song is swedish, but a really good song! It's called "Var minut", which means "Every minute", and it's sang by Emilia. (The big big world-lady)] I hope you'll be able to find a translation, if you need one, cause I don't have enough space in the description to write one. Sorry.