今年、アートオブスピードマレーシアは最初のミスAOSMピンナップコンテストを開催し、6人の美しい女性がミスAOSMの称号を競いました。This year Art Of Speed Malaysia hosted its first Miss AOSM Pin Up competition, six beautiful women competed for the title of Miss AOSM.
Photographer, Videographer, Traveller, lover of all things automotive and Kustom Kulture, Cars, Bikes Art and Beautiful Women.
I have attended a lot of Custom Car and Motorcycle events in Various countries, I love to travel and to explore the wide world.
Photographer, Videographer, Traveller, lover of all things automotive and Kustom Kulture, Cars, Bikes Art and Beautiful Women.
I have attended a lot of Custom Car and Motorcycle events in Various countries, I love to travel and to explore the wide world.