ladies and gentlemen, i had hoped it wouldn't get this far, but people's persistance in antagonizing and threatening the well being of the public, and not just me, has prompted me to share some of the darkest truths about AA. the thing is, when these problems first came to light, they were ignored not just because most people in AA truly do believe and even admit to thinking they are better than others, even and particuarly newer people in the program, but because they indicted people with some standing in the AA community. because such people could never be considered as being capable of doing wrong, matters were swept under the rug by default. furthermore, over the months, i was distressed over sweeping examples and undertones of racism tarnishing many meetings, particularly in conjuction with some sexism and abuse issues which occured earlier in 2017. it was worried these truths would come to light, and it is those truths i share with you now: AA is not just a criminal organization, but a sexist and racist organization. hell, people have admitted to me personally of hatred of sex, orientation, and race, particularly African American, and this is another reason i chose not to cowtow to the horrific lies and injustice of AA, and why Bill Wilson would assuredly be ashamed of and unwilling to participate in the evil the program represents in this day and age. no one should.