Changing of the Guard: Pomp and circumstance as Dr. Riaz Chaudhary is installed as the 2013-2014 Rotary Club of Toledo President. Your 2013-2014 Rotary Board of Directors are: President Elect: Joe Tafelski,1st Vice President: Andy Stuart, 2nd Vice President: Stacy Hammer, Secretary-Treasurer: Sharon Skilliter Directors: Carol Bintz, Steve Boice, Mary Ann Culpert, Alex Due, Peter Handwork, Butch Krueger, Mark Makulinski, and Richard Wolff Your 2013-2014 Foundation Trustees are: Keith Burwell, Eric Fankhauser, Reg Jackson, Judy Leb, Charles Mann, Deb Monagan, Hunt Sears, Mary Werner, and Rick Yocum.