URL: www.GreggRoofing.com Address:27001 S.E. 15th Street , Camas, WA 98607 Business Phone: 360.834.3902 Email: office@greggroofing.com No matter how well you maintain your home the time will come when you will need to fix some things. The roof is no different. So, how do you know when it's time to replace your roof? What parts should you do on your own and what parts of the job require the skills of a professional roofer? The best time to inspect your roof is in Spring. This is the time of the year when damage from the harsher winter weather is already done and getting up on the roof to examine it is much easier. Start by circling your home and looking for damage to the roof. The line of the roof should be perfectly straight and not curved. If it is sagging or popping up in certain spots you have damage. You also will want to go up on the roof and check for any sort of significant damage or worn out or missing shingles. If the shingles and other materials are brittle and damaged then you have a roof more susceptible to weather damage and should repaired or replaced. This is especially true when it comes to wooden shakes and shingles which are even more influenced by the weather. Once you have spotted possible damage to the roof you'll want to get a more comprehensive inspection completed. Investing in a professional service would be well worth the money. You need to check asphalt roofs thoroughly for any possible worn and damaged spots. You'll also want to check each shingle for chipping or breakage as well as the flashing, drip edges and vents around the roof. Replacing the roofing materials is not very difficult but can be challenging and time consuming. You can get roofing epoxies and shingles to patch the damaged areas and you can even purchase individual pieces of asphalt roofing to fix a leaky roof. However, in the cases where the damage is extensive and the roof needs to be replaced, hire a professional.