Neil Hanekom
904-477-1982 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 904-477-1982 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
What is EPS Foam?
EPS is short for Expanded Polystyrene. Basically, you take a polystyrene resin and combine it with some heat and steam to expand the bead to a certain point.
Then you let the expanded beads sit overnight to release the blowing agent used in the bead that makes it expand.
The next day you take the beads and put it into a mold and combine them with heat, steam and pressure.
The beads then expand and fuse into one another to make a solid block. Because of the steam used in the block most manufacturers allow the blocks to sit and dry/cure for up to two weeks.
Some manufacturers have dry rooms where they put the blocks to dry. Because the dry rooms have high temperatures the blocks can dry much faster and be used 1 or 2 days.
Other thing that most people dont realize is that the blocks that come out of the molds are sometimes 24 feet log so they have to placed vertical. If you dont put the blocks vertical then they will bow and your will able to use less of the block.