Hello to all, my name is Karen Callard and I am from Manchester England. I got successful obesity surgery in India with forerunners healthcare at cost effective budget. I was searching for low cost option on internet and I came across forerunners healthcare. I sent a query regarding my obesity surgery in India I was happy to see the fast reply from the company asking me for some more details and the reports. I provided them with all the reports of mine. I also had a brief discussion with surgeons from Mumbai hospital and all my doubts and queries about obesity surgery in India were answered and I had no doubt in making decision. So after finalizing everything with them I came to Mumbai for obesity surgery in India. I was driven straight from the airport to the hospital. The hospital was very grand and beautiful. Within two days my obesity surgery in India got underway. The medical facilities offered were truly international and yet affordable. The surgery was a complete success. I would like to thank surgeons for making this surgery a success and special thanks to forerunners healthcare and team for providing me such excellent services at very low costs.