I really got turned off to local Hoboken politics years ago. I almost didn't vote for the first time in 33 years this time because I really didn't know the candidates or issues that well. Coming out of the Path Underground Train Station, I noticed some pretty young white girls looking awfully bored as they held signs & passed out literature. They looked more like H.S. cheerleaders than political activists. Elsewhere I saw others, both young & old, excitedly promoting their candidates. On impulse, I ran home, grabbed the camera & went out to ask some leafleters why they were involved. The bored cheer leaders had gone home but there were a variety of other people to interview. I want to thank each & every person in this video for simply being who they were--including the man who threatened to sue me. There will probably be a run off. I'm more interested now & hope to make my mind up on my own after a little more research this time.