Shockwave's Burden ( A day in the life of Shockwave ) 8 minute Transformers Mini- Episode (Mash-up) Voices performed by: Dan Didsbury, Charmagne Jacobs, and DR. SMOOV Written and Edited by DR. SMOOV Appointed by Megatron, Shockwave is the Guardian of Cybertron. One of his most important jobs is to guard the Decepticon Spacebridge. Shockwave displays several inadequacies: he moves slow, has horrible aim, overconfidence, bored with his existence, and harbors undying loyalty towards Megatron, causing him enormous stress and pressure to perform. Regardless of his track record of incompetence, Megatron seems to give him preferential treatment. Could it be that Shockwave may actually be Megatron's "friend?" Or does Megs keep him up there to keep him out of the way? Leading a boring existence on permanent "guard duty," with nobody to talk to except for Decepticon worker droids, Shockwave occasionally gets "slammed" by intruders and has to step up his game. Seems like everything always happens at once for poor Shockwave; always catching him off guard. Plus...he really can't shoot for shit.