A 2007 short film directed by Daniel Key. It stars Joshua Bobst, Austin Stidham and Audret Bennett. It is a spoof of James Cameron's the Terminator. Though it was widely dismissed by critics, it has gathered a strong number of college aged supporters. It is notorious for its use of sterotypes and male nudity. Synopsis Present day Kahlie, MS, a suburb of Jackson, is visited by a robot from the future (Bobst). The robot comes from a time when a virus has destroyed all rces of people except for the Hebrews and the Muslims. The robot teams up with Herchel Lipshitz (Stidham), a local boy who is losing his faith. The two, under the direction of the robot, set out to find Sarah Cohen (Bennett) and prevent a bris from harming her son Ezekiel, the future leader of the Hebrews. Standing in their way is a Muslim, who is also from the future.