On June 27, 2009, New Bethel Church in Louisville, KY, with a congregation of approx 200 and led by Rev. Kenneth Pagano, held an Open Carry Celebration that honored the Fourth of July holiday and the Second Amendment. Participants were encouraged to openly carry their firearms, albeit unloaded and holstered at all times. They never expected the firestorm of controversy and publicity that ultimately came their way, as this was completely legal. It was never his intention, but Pagano was interviewed by journalists, radio hosts and TV personalities around the globe in the weeks leading up to the celebration and for months after. With the help of his close friends, they fielded requests for interviews on a daily basis. He was vilified by the left wing media and hailed by the right, gun owners, and supporters of the Second Amendment. This is a documentary that was put together, after the celebration was held, by Nina Melendez, a student at The Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. We thank her for allowing us to publish this documentary to the web.