Hello I recently witnessed a plane creating what could possible ( how can i know for sure unless i was the one responsible?) of been Chemtrails over Belfast on Sunday 4th April at around 7.30 am onwards. The sky was perfectly blue with just a few very small thin normal clouds and there was no wind at ground level but as the the plane made its passes the sky was slowly turned white from the horizon up. I managed to take some pictures using a camera phone but it was hard to get a clear picture they will be below this text so you can see them.
Later that day we drove towards Newcastle (NI) and could see the same or probably another plane creating more trails. If anyone else saw these or knows where the planes are coming from etc or has any opinions about this please get in touch either through here or my Blog site(see below). For anyone who doesn't know what a Chemtrail is please vist www.BBC5.TV or search on google!