This video dose contain a lot, not all, but a lot of the best bits from the whole campaign.
This video was made in mind of those who may not get a chance to play the F.E.A.R. Expansion Pack.
Contains High levels of Violence and Swearing.
You wont get given too much information from the scripted scenes as I have removed most of their talking to save that information for if and when you do play it.
I have included snippets of footage from most of the main bits in the game.
I have also left a few out.
I didn't want to show everything...
I also edited the end of the movie heavily as not to give too much away at the end of the game, just a slight look.
and not much else.
This video may contain some spoilers.
If you don't want to see what happens in EP
It would be best that you don't watch this video.