It's a pirate's life for me, out in the rough and tumble sea. I am a cut throat guy, I spit and lie, and take until I die. I brush my teeth with fishing line, comb from my hair, my knife is fine. I make a knot so tight, no strength-or-might, could ever stop my fight. {CHORUS} Give me the sea life. That is the only way for me. Give me the sea life. Out in the storm, that's where I'll be. I will cut them up, so raise the mast, high for all to see. Give me the sea life. That is the only life. A sailor's life, the only way that's right for me. Go fish! There is a strong wind in the west, but there is more, I do suspect. There is a pirate ship, that's closing in. They're jumping on the deck! So I am quick to sound the call. Rally roundly, one and all. There is a battle fast, our weapons clash... who's left standing last? {CHORUS} {EPISODE: Treasure Island}