I had the privilege of playing with Liz Fiddle, she’s so good it was an awesome experience. This is a piece called The Path To Nothingness, and it was filmed by Aaron Ure. I’m using a nylon string guitar by Sonny Triananto, and a TC Electronic Flashback, through a Crate amp. Thank you for watching!
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/s53n9Da6eQg
Never free from Misery is a is a single release Official Gothic Doom Metal music video by Kaiser
Track: Never free from Misery
Artist: Kaiser
Genre: Gothic Doom Metal, Gothic Metal, Gothic Rock
Download free stuff by Kaiser:
From the day of birth
We where already doomed
Live has nothing to offer
Only misery and pain
There is no salvation found
In the worship of idols you call god
Until the final hour strikes
There is no escape from doom
No longer shall I beat this dead horse
The end is so far in sight
Life is so cruel
All you love will die
Live shows no mercy
And death is your only end to pain
Never free from misery
I need not live for this
The one wish that can never come true
A life on this earth free from doom
The misfortune that we suffer
The disappointment is always the same
When it dawns that we’ll never be free
And life's frozen dagger twisting in our hearts
There is no escaping this fate
No matter how hard you try
All dreams that I have once possessed
Have faded to nothingness
Life is so cruel
All you love will die
Live shows no mercy
And death is your only end to pain
Never free from misery
I need not live for this
The one wish that can never come true
A life on this earth free from doom
Till the day of death
Gloom is ever present
Life has taken everything from me
All that’s given was taken away
And any given paths explored
Are doomed to fail from the very start
And everyone I have ever loved
One by one is being taken away from me
For this I need not to exist
May the end set me free
Life is so cruel
All you love will die
Live shows no mercy
And death is your only end to pain
Never free from misery
I need not live for this
The one wish that can never come true
A life on this earth free from doom
Why is there something instead of nothing
And why must it be so cruel
Glimpses of bliss found in life
At the cost of great suffering and sadness
Since distant ancient times
The world has always been a sad place
To ever hope for anything more
Is sure to disappoint
"In the Shadowed Night." Sometimes in the shadowed night I become spirit. The walls, the bars, the gratings dissolve into light and I unloosen my soul and fly through the inner darkness of my being. I become transparent, a bright shadow, a bird of dreams singing from the tree of life. "The Knife of My Mind" I have no presence. I have only a past and, perhaps, a future. The presence has been taken from me. I’m left in an empty space whose darkness I carve at with the knife of my mind. I must carve myself anew out of the razor-wire nothingness. I will know the ecstasy and the pain of freedom. I will be ordinary again. Yes, ordinary, that terrifying condition, where all is possibility, where the presence exists and must be faced.
No. 1: Waiting is to delay. It denies all potential art that comes from nothingness. Do not wait on inspiration, on motivation, on a time in which you are sane or happy. Let art be born from the bothered mind. No. 2: There's no room for perfection. If you create something you aren't fond of; simply move on and create more. Don't dwell on one thing for too long if it's going no where. No. 3: Steal ideas. There is no need to constantly strive for originality. Even if you think you've come up with an original idea, it has most likely been thought of already. Originality will come through the process of creating. No. 4: Ch-ch-changes are your best friend. If you're bored with what you're doing, don't feel compelled to continue. Abandon, kill your boundaries, and experience the plethora of things this world has to offer. No. 5: Relying on an altered state of mind to find creativity or to numb ones self is short term and will end in the dissatisfaction of your work, dissatisfaction of your surroundings, and most importantly: dissatisfaction of yourself.
alan king death anxiety psychiatry Ernest Becker psychology philosophy mortality awareness brain breast cancer GOD religion aging meaning existence Legalize euthanasia physician assisted suicide pain suffering nothingness terminally ill Thanatology Palliative Care Aging Aged elderly immortality luck determinism free will denial documentary dying randomness meaninglessness at grace anger fear Canada
alan king death anxiety psychiatry Ernest Becker psychology philosophy mortality awareness brain breast cancer GOD religion aging meaning existence Legalize euthanasia physician assisted suicide pain suffering nothingness terminally ill Thanatology Palliative Care Aging Aged elderly immortality luck determinism free will denial documentary dying randomness meaninglessness at grace anger fear Canada
For one night only, Professor Brian Cox goes unplugged in a specially recorded programme from the lecture theatre of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. In his own inimitable style, Brian takes an audience of famous faces, scientists and members of the public on a journey through some of the most challenging concepts in physics.
With the help of Jonathan Ross, Simon Pegg, Sarah Millican and James May, Brian shows how diamonds - the hardest material in nature - are made up of nothingness; how things can be in an infinite number of places at once; why everything we see or touch in the universe exists; and how a diamond in the heart of London is in communication with the largest diamond in the cosmos.
A film adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's 'The Colour Out of Space'. An unnamed narrator pieces together the story of an area known by the locals as the "blasted heath" in the wild hills west of Arkham, Massachusetts. Listening to the experiences of an old man by the name of Ammi Pierce, the narrator discovers that many years ago a meteorite crashed into lands then-owned by a farmer by the name of Nahum Gardner. Scientists were unable to determine its origins and the rock eventually shrank into nothingness, leaving something that is described "only by analogy" as a "colour".
Wanna support my music by kicking a few pennies my way? This song is on iTunes:
Lyrics, MP3 and other goodies here:
http://www.joshwoodward.com/ for 150+ more free songs!
All of my music is 100% to download and use in your videos (Creative Commons - Attribution).
Adrift at sea, in the searing sunlight
Veering forthright, toward nothingness
The ceaseless waves, they will rend and shake us
They'll bend and break us, until we quit
So lay me down, and let me fall apart
We're lost at sea, without a chart
Wake me, if we should crash ashore
But I refuse to steer her anymore
We float alone through this virgin ocean
The surging motion, a fate resigned
My bones are weak, slowly decomposing
The sea is closing down my mind
So lay me down, and let me fall apart
We're lost at sea, forget the ...
You do not exist yet you may think that you do, but you do not....your consciousness drifts in a vast nothingness until one measurement of time came to pass such that a bubble appeared and disappeared out of existence what are the first thoughts that this consciousness might be thinking
How to log on through Mibbit if the regular java chat isn't working or you do not have access to java. The part of the video where i hid the text bar was to protect my password, so sorry about the 5 seconds of nothingness :P
Do you wish U were a Star/(Ipod/PSP video download)Have you ever wondered about what it would be like to be one of the beautiful people? What it's like to be adored? Ridiculous, though it seems, all of us have imagined that we were someone famous and of the greatest importance. Life is so so strange. What any of us would do to share in the hidden secrets of the universe. To hold the key of life. To find that evasive truth that we are in eternal search for. Shakespeare wrote about it in the most famous speech of all time..."To be or not to be...that is the question'...yes that is the question put before us. The zen masters know of something that we don't. They know how to become completely detached from this life. To put the ego on the shelf...permanently.NOTHINGNESS is a word that scares the shit out of most 'westerners'...but upon further inquiry, NOTHINGNESS is beautifully serene and a magical state of mind...it's a surrender of yourself completely. If 'all the world's a stage'...
â¡âªâ¡ ç¡12 â¡âªâ¡, Me doing nothing, Magibon, Nothingness, Astro Boy, Kamichama Karin, Ulzzang, ulzzang before and after pictures, Asian Transformation (ulzzang style), round eye envy, é¤æ²¹æ¦å£«ããã³ã¼ãã³?, Lonelygirl15, First Blog / Dorkiness Prevails, MAGIBBOOONNN!!1, To Magibon from GyaO 1, Re: To Magibon from GyaO (USEN @ Tokyo Midtown), Magibon Japan TV Debut 1, Magibon Japan TV [...]
The Sweet Touch of Nothingness. Very sober musical artists Agreeable Feelings give their thoughts on Heroin at Marijuana Radio.com’s Cannaween Event. Check out there song “I F*&CKED YOUR SISTER” also on youtube. www.youtube.com/siamesetwinpuppets and www.SamTallent.blogspot.com
Look for it, and it can't be seen. Listen for it, and it can't be heard. Grasp for it, and it can't be caught. These three cannot be further described, so we treat them as The One. Its highest is not bright. Its depths are not dark. Unending, unnameable, it returns to nothingness. Formless forms, and imageless images, subtle, beyond all understanding. Approach it and you will not see a beginning; follow it and there will be no end. When we grasp the Tao of the ancient ones, we can use it to direct our life today. To know the ancient origin of Tao: this is the beginning of wisdom.
Emrys, Detail, Sixtyslayer, in our secret fort, we are hanging out and Emrys is like "lol guys new trick" and i'm all like "you won't" and so hes like "put some money on it" and details all like "cmon guys we have a raid i dont think this is a good idea" and im all like "if you dont do it youre a pussy! we went through this last week with the arson thing" and hes all like "here goes" and BOOSH! pops his rocket helmet, well as you can see he forgot that there is a vast nothingness underneath him so no amount of parachuting will save him, detail sees this too and valiantly tries to rescue him with some Divine Intervention. Apparently even an act of god can't save you from bottomless pits.
For new documentaries every day, please bookmark http://www.documentary-log.com or http://www.docu-log.com .
Take a tour through the "Art Gallery of the Galaxy" and view what are considered the "crown jewels" of the heavens. Nebulas are mysterious clouds of gas that aren't classified as stars, planets, moons or asteroids. Astronomers use the most sophisticated techniques to view them since they are practically invisible to the naked eye. Nothing less than stunning, nebulas glow, reflect or obscure the galaxy's light with amazing swirls of color. Nebulas mark the regions where the nothingness of space first coalesces, where stars are born and where stars die. Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to bring the universe down to earth.
For new documentaries every day, please bookmark http://www.documentary-log.com or http://www.docu-log.com .
Take a tour through the "Art Gallery of the Galaxy" and view what are considered the "crown jewels" of the heavens. Nebulas are mysterious clouds of gas that aren't classified as stars, planets, moons or asteroids. Astronomers use the most sophisticated techniques to view them since they are practically invisible to the naked eye. Nothing less than stunning, nebulas glow, reflect or obscure the galaxy's light with amazing swirls of color. Nebulas mark the regions where the nothingness of space first coalesces, where stars are born and where stars die. Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to bring the universe down to earth.
For new documentaries every day, please bookmark http://www.documentary-log.com or http://www.docu-log.com .
Take a tour through the "Art Gallery of the Galaxy" and view what are considered the "crown jewels" of the heavens. Nebulas are mysterious clouds of gas that aren't classified as stars, planets, moons or asteroids. Astronomers use the most sophisticated techniques to view them since they are practically invisible to the naked eye. Nothing less than stunning, nebulas glow, reflect or obscure the galaxy's light with amazing swirls of color. Nebulas mark the regions where the nothingness of space first coalesces, where stars are born and where stars die. Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to bring the universe down to earth.
The nothingness you get with two grunnies put together when you are really bored on Gaia xD . This was a test video , so its ..... well ..... a test o__o .
Knights do battle with Medieval weapons. The courage displayed is awe inspiring, as swords and weaponry clashes in the vacuum of medieval nothingness... which means I was too lazy to create a background.
A man is born in the middle of nothingness. Surrounded by complete darkness he walks towards the light to seek for the truth of his existence. He finds an object with the shape of a Cube witch will grant him knowledge. As he begins to discover the meaning of his existence with this object, another man appears in the very same time and space seeking for his personal truth, but there is only one Cube. Will they share this knowledge and power of knowing, or will this unfold a conflict between these two creatures?
The B-series, low-budget Detour, the "noirest" of "film noir". Roughly it goes like this. A man, a non-heroic fella faces a dilemma. Driven by self-defeating force, he is unable to recognize the choice he makes between "being" and "nothingness" when he finds out Mr. Haskell is dead, the major turning point in the film. Roberts stands over Haskell's body, the dead guy, in the downpour, paralyzed by his dilemma. Outcome? Two people, himself and Vera, end up trapped in a room spitting out their hatred for each other. They can communicate only their mutual loathing in a realm where words can wound and a telephone cord is an inadvertently lethal weapon.
To say that 24 year-old Miles Mosley was born and raised in Hollywood would explain a lot but would only be a half-truth. It is this mix of raw inner-city life,sprawling southern-country-nothingness that years latter would collide into a style of music uniquely his.
Miles' musical education continued with classical training at the Colburn School of Music in Downtown Los Angeles, years of study with jazz bass legends John Clayton,