Improving Your Credit Score - FirstAmericanTV.comTrying to increase your credit score? I got some quick tips coming up next. Hey, this is Joseph Yomtoubian and you are watching Having a good credit score will not only make it easier to get loans but also to get them at a lower interest rate. The first step is to get a credit card, not to spend on buying lavish gifts, but to establish credit. To establish good credit you must pay off the credit cards on time and in full every month. Once you are able to control having one credit card apply for another one about 4 months later and add another one if you are able to after that. You do not want to have more than 3 open credit lines, it can actually hurt your credit. That's it for nowâ¦.Thanks for watching I'm Joseph Yomtoubian. Check back soon for more tips and real estate news.