How to change the file timestamps on multiple files and images"Click here for more details on Change file date time software to change the filename timestamp
This software allows you to easily change the filename date and time stamps! You can change and set the last modification date, the creation date, as well as the last access portion of the time stamp, touching the timestamp. You can recursively change the file modification and creation dates. Simply select a group of files, either using wildcards or using multiple selections. Then, click on a file to see its file attributes. Afterwards, you can either choose to set the timestamp individually, or apply a certain file timestamp to all the selected features. Great features include:
- Easily add files recursively, or by particular filetype
- Immediately see what the file attributes are (specifically the modification timestamp, creation timestamp and last access timestamp)
- Ability to adjust for various versions of Windows that adjust the time (i.e., -8 hours GMT), to correctly adjust the 'internal' file timestamp
- Set the new timestamp to the current computer system time, or your own selection.
- Apply the new selection in batch, or apply it individually to each file!
- Try it now!"