STATE WITH NON EXISTING LAWS IN THE CENTER OF EUROPE: Serbian chetnik Aleksandar Vućić got his plane license in 2009
Two watches intercepted at Milan Kučan Zoran Jankovič postal inspection taxation office used for import entries to Slovenia from third party NON EU countries
"Komunalni servis" Nenada Živadinovića. O situaciji u komunalnim preduzećima u Kragujevcu, kašnjenju zarada, finansijskim problemima, radu Komisije za kosolidaciju i novim planovima govori član Gradskog veća zadužen za komunalnu privredu Zoran Jovanović.
"Komunalni servis" Nenada Živadinovića. Gosti: Zoran Jovanović, zamenik komandanta Štaba za vanredne situacije i Dragoš Radovanović, načelnik odeljenja za zaštitu od elementarnih nepogoda
"Tito and Me" is a 1992 Yugoslavian comedy film. The film was made during one of the most difficult periods in the history of the Balkans, at a time when conflict broke out and the civil war began in Socialistic Republic of Croatia. Its quirky humor has marked the beginning of the end of Socialistic Yugoslavia. The movie is set in the communist ruled Yugoslavia during the 1950s. It celebrates, but in some aspects it also criticizes The Yugoslav State in the early fifties. Zoran is a slightly overweight 10-year-old living in an overcrowded home that his parents share with his grandmother, aunt and uncle. So, conflicts at home are inevitable. This is a story of a ten year-old boy who, as most of the children in Yugoslavia of the fifties, can hardly imagine his everyday life without the great national leader - Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia. Well, this chubby little boy might be a little more obsessed with Tito than other kids. He unexpectedly wins the first price for the literary composition on the given topic "Do I love Tito, and why?" The boy was inspired to write a poem and his reward is the participation in a march to Tito's Homeland. He claims in his work that he loves Tito even more than his parents, which makes them desperate. He does not understand what is so confusing and weird in his love towards the inviolable Yugoslav leader. This march will be a difficult temptation for him. Since he is a plump kid, for the first time separated from his caring family, and since he is forced to care for himself for the first time in his life, and not being used for a long hike, this march becomes a living hell for him. In addition, during the march, his best girl-friend falls in love with another, older boy. And it seems his teacher (a man who is there march-leader) doesn't like him.
"Komunalni servis" Nenada Živadinovića. O funkcionisanju komunalnih preduzeća u Kragujevcu i ostalim aktuelnim temama govori Zoran Jovanović, član Gradskog veća zadužen za tu oblast.
The song 'Dijete' is from The Chweger's second album 'Mir' (2012). Video by Matija Debeljuh. The Chweger was established in 1997 in Pula, Croatia. The name derives from a local game, which could be described as something like a 'knock(flick)-on-the-head' – an important skill when the members were kids. The first album 'The Chweger' (2007) was recorded by Mauricio Ferlin, Alen Rosanda, Mauro Maretić, Dejan Pavlinović and Zoran Angeleski, and it contains songs from a 10-year-long period, recorded during 2005 and 2006. After their highly acclaimed debut, The Chweger released their second album ‘Mir’ in October 2012 with their new vocalist Maja Griparić, and with many guest appearances, such as the legendary whistler from Sergio Leone's spaghetti westerns Alessandro Alessandroni. The album was recorded in Studio Partyzan in Pula, produced by Edi Cukerić and mastered in London by Streaky Gee. 'Mir' introduces new sound elements. The lyrics are in Croatian, English, French and German. The word 'mir' means 'peace' in Croatian, whereas it is 'earth' in Russian. Contact : Homepage: .............. CHILD: sleeping child your eyelids tender/ in closed eyes mommy's whisper/ your sour sweat on you so sweet/ thousands of kisses always smooth
The song 'Alone' is from The Chweger's second album 'Mir' (2012).
Video by Matija Ferlin.
Main act by Roberta Milevoj.
The Chweger was established in 1997 in Pula, Croatia.
The name derives from a local game, which could be described as something like a 'knock(flick)-on-the-head' – an important skill when the members were kids.
The first album 'The Chweger' (2007) was recorded by Mauricio Ferlin, Alen Rosanda, Mauro Maretić, Dejan Pavlinović and Zoran Angeleski, and it contains songs from a 10-year-long period, recorded during 2005 and 2006.
After their highly acclaimed debut, The Chweger released their second album ‘Mir’ in October 2012 with their new vocalist Maja Griparić, and with many guest appearances, such as the legendary whistler from Sergio Leone's spaghetti westerns Alessandro Alessandroni. The album was recorded in Studio Partyzan in Pula, produced by Edi Cukerić and mastered in London by Streaky Gee. 'Mir' introduces new sound elements. The lyrics are in Croatian, English, French and German.
The word 'mir' means 'peace' in Croatian, whereas it is 'earth' in Russian.
Contact :
The song 'Fućkam/The Whistler' is from The Chweger's second album 'Mir' (2012). The Whistler: Alessandro Alessandroni. Urban cowboy: Alen Liverić. Video by Radislav Jovanov Gonzo. Edited by Anita Jovanov. The Chweger was established in 1997 in Pula, Croatia. The name derives from a local game, which could be described as something like a 'knock(flick)-on-the-head' – an important skill when the members were kids. The first album 'The Chweger' (2007) was recorded by Mauricio Ferlin, Alen Rosanda, Mauro Maretić, Dejan Pavlinović and Zoran Angeleski, and it contains songs from a 10-year-long period, recorded during 2005 and 2006. After their highly acclaimed debut, The Chweger released their second album ‘Mir’ in October 2012 with their new vocalist Maja Griparić, and with many guest appearances, such as the legendary whistler from Sergio Leone's spaghetti westerns Alessandro Alessandroni. The album was recorded in Studio Partyzan in Pula, produced by Edi Cukerić and mastered in London by Streaky Gee. The new album introduces new sound elements. The lyrics are in Croatian, English, French and German. The word 'mir' means 'peace' in Croatian, whereas it is 'earth' in Russian. Contact : Homepage:
In die Fußstapfen von Zoran Djordjic will Petar treten. Sein Vater – ein ehemaliger Weltklasse-Keeper. In die Weltklasse steigt der Sohnemann bald womöglich auch auf, allerdings im Angriff. Auf der Königsposition kann der 23-Jährige Serbe mit seiner individuelle Klasse schon jetzt Spiele entscheiden. Vielleicht auch am 14.12., wenn es – zum Ende der Hinrunde in der DKB Handball-Bundesliga – im Top-Spiel gegen die punktgleichen Rhein-Neckar Löwen geht. Die Mannheimer warfen jüngst den Klassenprimus Kiel aus dem Pokalwettbewerb. Djordjic aber will seinen neuen Klub auf Tabellenplatz drei bringen und damit zum direkten Verfolger der Spitzenteams aus Flensburg und Kiel machen.
Kako grad funkcioniše u uslovima višednevne blokade i ima li nagoveštaja o tome kako će ovaj problem biti prevaziđen u emisiji "Stanje stvari" govori Zoran Jovanović, član Gradskog veća za komunalnu priovredu.
Ciklus koncerata "Velikani muzičke scene", Centra za muziku Kolarčeve Zadužbine tema je ovog izdanja emisije Art Fantazija. Urednik ciklusa Mirjana Lazarević govori u emisiji o predstojećim koncertima i gostima kao što su Evgenije Kisin, Boris Berezovski, Nemanja Radulović, Zoran Todorović i Gabrijela Montero. Autor i voditelj Art Fantazije je Marina Stefanović.
Jedinica za specijalne operacije crvene beretke - dokumentarac Zašto je Slobodan Milošević naredio formiranje Jedinice i kako je Državna bezbjednost Jovice Stanišića izvršila tu naredbu? Zbog čega je ta formacija imala dva dijela – Crvene beretke u Kninu pod komandom Franka Simatovića Frenkija i Srpsku dobrovoljačku gardu Željka Ražnatovića Arkana u Erdutu? Što su bili zadaci Jedinice, kako je bila organizirana i uvježbavana? Gdje je i kako ratovala, a gdje se i na čemu bogatila? Zašto je operacija Pauk na bihaćkom ratištu 1994. bila najveća i najunosnija ikad izvedena akcija Jedinice? Kako je došlo do sprege Državne bezbjednosti i mafije, odnosno Jedinice i Zemunskog klana, Dušana Spasojevića? Zašto je Jedinica u periodu poslije 5. oktobra postala moćnija nego ikad prije i kako je Legija držao u šahu nove vlasti? Kako su Legija i Spasojević postali apsolutni gospodari organiziranog kriminala? Na koji se način premijer Zoran Đinđić namjeravao obračunati s Jedinicom i Zemunskim klanom? Kako su i zašto Legija i Spasojević organizirali ubojstvo premijera Đinđića?
Akronos spaltet das Atom, von ihm nur "das Strahlende" genannt. Sein böser Schüler Zoran möchte es in seinen Besitz bringen und nimmt Akronos deshalb gefangen.Der schickt seine Tochter los um Ator - seinen guten Schüler - zu holen. Eine abenteuerliche Reise voller Gefahren beginnt
Promocija knjige "Opasna sećanja i pomirenje: kontekstualna promišljanja o religiji u postkonfliktnom društvu", Ex - Libris, 2012. Beograd: Dom Omladine, 18.05. Govore: Nikola Knežević, Zoran Grozdanov, Srđan Sremac i Miroslav Keveždi
Ova priča Stevana Sremca dešava se u Nišu, krajem 19. veka, kada ugledni domaćin jorgandžija Ivko (Zoran Cvijanović) i njegova žena Paraskeva (Nataša Ninković) slave Đurđevdan. Kako to već biva na srpskim slavama, uz pesmu, jelo i piće slavski dan se odužio do duboko u noć, kada i najizdržljiviji gosti posustaju i razilaze se.
Ali ove godine, ovog Đurđevdana, Ivkovi verni prijatelji nadmašiće sebe: nadaleko čuveni maštar i lažov Kalča (Dragan Bjelogrlić), ispičutura Smuk (Srđan Todorović) i veliki ješnik Kurjak (Milorad Mandić-Manda), kojima se pridružio i nepoznati mladić Svetislav (NIkola Đuričko), rešili su da sprovedu u delo stari običaj da se krsna slava slavi tri dana.
Glavne uloge: Zoran Cosic, Jelena Ilic, Miodrag Krivokapic, Slobodanka Latinovic, Bojan Lazarov, Andrej Šepetkovski, Siniša Ubovic
Grupa relativno mladih (30-35 godina), fakultetski obrazovanih, pametnih, urbanih ljudi, cija je mladost uništena u dogadanjima prilikom raspada Jugoslavije, u zakasneloj je potrazi za svojim identitetom. Dvojica su pisci, junakinja se bavi ezoterijom, jedan je arheolog, a svi su nezaposleni. Svesni da pripadaju izgubljenoj generaciji, svako od njih je u potrazi za izgubljenim vremenom, nadama i ljubavima.
"Superheroes from the Dream Island" is completely original project, authored by Zoran Videnovic, and made by VFF Multimedia Workshop from Belgrade, Serbia, Europe. It is a system of educational and entertaining multimedia material and accessories, based on the original story, characters, 3D modeling and animation, for children from 4 to 12 years.
The most important part of this project is a 3D computer game for children. Currently, it is distributed in shops as a 3D computer game on a DVD, accompanied with an activity CD. This game was in commercial exploit as a live interactive TV show broadcasted by one of the biggest national TV stations in Serbia for more than 2 years, 5 days a week, from March 2005 to June 2007.
For more details please visit, or request to send you more information and promotional material.
At the moment, the project is available for a suitable business cooperation.
"Superheroes from the Dream Island" is completely original project, authored by Zoran Videnovic, and made by VFF Multimedia Workshop from Belgrade, Serbia, Europe. It is a system of educational and entertaining multimedia material and accessories, based on the original story, characters, 3D modeling and animation, for children from 4 to 12 years.
The most important part of this project is a 3D computer game for children. Currently, it is distributed in shops as a 3D computer game on a DVD, accompanied with an activity CD. This game was in commercial exploit as a live interactive TV show broadcasted by one of the biggest national TV stations in Serbia for more than 2 years, 5 days a week, from March 2005 to June 2007.
For more details please visit, or request to send you more information and promotional material.
At the moment, the project is available for a suitable business cooperation.
"Superheroes from the Dream Island" is completely original project, authored by Zoran Videnovic, and made by VFF Multimedia Workshop from Belgrade, Serbia, Europe. It is a system of educational and entertaining multimedia material and accessories, based on the original story, characters, 3D modeling and animation, for children from 4 to 12 years.
The most important part of this project is a 3D computer game for children. Currently, it is distributed in shops as a 3D computer game on a DVD, accompanied with an activity CD. This game was in commercial exploit as a live interactive TV show broadcasted by one of the biggest national TV stations in Serbia for more than 2 years, 5 days a week, from March 2005 to June 2007.
For more details please visit, or request to send you more information and promotional material.
At the moment, the project is available for a suitable business cooperation.
"Superheroes from the Dream Island" is completely original project, authored by Zoran Videnovic, and made by VFF Multimedia Workshop from Belgrade, Serbia, Europe. It is a system of educational and entertaining multimedia material and accessories, based on the original story, characters, 3D modeling and animation, for children from 4 to 12 years.
The most important part of this project is a 3D computer game for children. Currently, it is distributed in shops as a 3D computer game on a DVD, accompanied with an activity CD. This game was in commercial exploit as a live interactive TV show broadcasted by one of the biggest national TV stations in Serbia for more than 2 years, 5 days a week, from March 2005 to June 2007.
For more details please visit, or request to send you more information and promotional material.
At the moment, the project is available for a suitable business cooperation.