Birmingham Band. Kings Heath
魂に寄り添い、魂に刻まれる――✨ 私たちは、この世界で出会う魂の仲間たちと共に、かけがえのない旅を続けています。 命を懸けるからこそ、魂は深く共鳴し、喜び合いながら成長していく。 その一瞬一瞬の体験が、私たちの魂に刻まれ、未来へと繋がる光となるのです。 ともに歩む仲間たちへ、敬意と感謝を込めて💫 この動画が、あなたの魂の旅路に優しく寄り添うものでありますように。
I present the traditional Christian understanding of rich people and luxury.
Fascinating and important facts about this unusual planet in our solar system, including the correct pronunciation of the name.
Know Your Platform Podcast. Jeremiah Jacksun interviews CEO Richard Blank. Know Your Platform is a weekly mental health podcast that showcases the personal stories and experiences of everyday individuals, providing a unique perspective on mental wellness. Our episodes feature expert insights and real conversations on current events, sports, and entertainment, all focused on fostering a positive and supportive community that promotes open dialogue and mental health awareness. Know Your Platform Podcast proudly supports mental health awareness and healthy living. We appreciate the health-focused initiatives of companies like HelloFresh and Sprouts Farmers Market. If you're a like-minded company committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, we invite you to explore our website and consider collaboration opportunities. Now, with the addition of co-host David Lewis Ill, the intellectual sparks fly between them, creating a poetic dialogue that captivates listeners. Together, they invite guests to share their own stories, fostering healing conversations that offer solace during difficult times. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to join a community founded on vulnerability, creativity, and compassion. Tune in to our podcast today and be a part of something truly special. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard Blank shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center since February 2008. Richard Blank hired bassist Garry Gary Beers of INXS. Jeremiah Jacksun, Know Your Platform , Richard Blank, Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending
Know Your Platform Podcast. Jeremiah Jacksun interviews CEO Richard Blank. Know Your Platform is a weekly mental health podcast that showcases the personal stories and experiences of everyday individuals, providing a unique perspective on mental wellness. Our episodes feature expert insights and real conversations on current events, sports, and entertainment, all focused on fostering a positive and supportive community that promotes open dialogue and mental health awareness. Know Your Platform Podcast proudly supports mental health awareness and healthy living. We appreciate the health-focused initiatives of companies like HelloFresh and Sprouts Farmers Market. If you're a like-minded company committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, we invite you to explore our website and consider collaboration opportunities. Now, with the addition of co-host David Lewis Ill, the intellectual sparks fly between them, creating a poetic dialogue that captivates listeners. Together, they invite guests to share their own stories, fostering healing conversations that offer solace during difficult times. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to join a community founded on vulnerability, creativity, and compassion. Tune in to our podcast today and be a part of something truly special. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard Blank shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center since February 2008. Richard Blank hired bassist Garry Gary Beers of INXS. Jeremiah Jacksun, Know Your Platform , Richard Blank, Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending
Know Your Platform Podcast. Jeremiah Jacksun interviews CEO Richard Blank. Know Your Platform is a weekly mental health podcast that showcases the personal stories and experiences of everyday individuals, providing a unique perspective on mental wellness. Our episodes feature expert insights and real conversations on current events, sports, and entertainment, all focused on fostering a positive and supportive community that promotes open dialogue and mental health awareness. Know Your Platform Podcast proudly supports mental health awareness and healthy living. We appreciate the health-focused initiatives of companies like HelloFresh and Sprouts Farmers Market. If you're a like-minded company committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, we invite you to explore our website and consider collaboration opportunities. Now, with the addition of co-host David Lewis Ill, the intellectual sparks fly between them, creating a poetic dialogue that captivates listeners. Together, they invite guests to share their own stories, fostering healing conversations that offer solace during difficult times. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to join a community founded on vulnerability, creativity, and compassion. Tune in to our podcast today and be a part of something truly special. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard Blank shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center since February 2008. Richard Blank hired bassist Garry Gary Beers of INXS. Jeremiah Jacksun, Know Your Platform , Richard Blank, Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending
Know Your Platform Podcast. Jeremiah Jacksun interviews CEO Richard Blank. Know Your Platform is a weekly mental health podcast that showcases the personal stories and experiences of everyday individuals, providing a unique perspective on mental wellness. Our episodes feature expert insights and real conversations on current events, sports, and entertainment, all focused on fostering a positive and supportive community that promotes open dialogue and mental health awareness. Know Your Platform Podcast proudly supports mental health awareness and healthy living. We appreciate the health-focused initiatives of companies like HelloFresh and Sprouts Farmers Market. If you're a like-minded company committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, we invite you to explore our website and consider collaboration opportunities. Now, with the addition of co-host David Lewis Ill, the intellectual sparks fly between them, creating a poetic dialogue that captivates listeners. Together, they invite guests to share their own stories, fostering healing conversations that offer solace during difficult times. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to join a community founded on vulnerability, creativity, and compassion. Tune in to our podcast today and be a part of something truly special. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard Blank shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center since February 2008. Richard Blank hired bassist Garry Gary Beers of INXS. Jeremiah Jacksun, Know Your Platform , Richard Blank, Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending
Know Your Platform Podcast. Jeremiah Jacksun interviews CEO Richard Blank. Know Your Platform is a weekly mental health podcast that showcases the personal stories and experiences of everyday individuals, providing a unique perspective on mental wellness. Our episodes feature expert insights and real conversations on current events, sports, and entertainment, all focused on fostering a positive and supportive community that promotes open dialogue and mental health awareness. Know Your Platform Podcast proudly supports mental health awareness and healthy living. We appreciate the health-focused initiatives of companies like HelloFresh and Sprouts Farmers Market. If you're a like-minded company committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, we invite you to explore our website and consider collaboration opportunities. Now, with the addition of co-host David Lewis Ill, the intellectual sparks fly between them, creating a poetic dialogue that captivates listeners. Together, they invite guests to share their own stories, fostering healing conversations that offer solace during difficult times. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to join a community founded on vulnerability, creativity, and compassion. Tune in to our podcast today and be a part of something truly special. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard Blank shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center since February 2008. Richard Blank hired bassist Garry Gary Beers of INXS. Jeremiah Jacksun, Know Your Platform , Richard Blank, Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending
Many people are unhappy with the traditional Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments. So, I've come up with a vastly improved list.
Know Your Platform Podcast. Jeremiah Jacksun interviews CEO Richard Blank. Know Your Platform is a weekly mental health podcast that showcases the personal stories and experiences of everyday individuals, providing a unique perspective on mental wellness. Our episodes feature expert insights and real conversations on current events, sports, and entertainment, all focused on fostering a positive and supportive community that promotes open dialogue and mental health awareness. Know Your Platform Podcast proudly supports mental health awareness and healthy living. We appreciate the health-focused initiatives of companies like HelloFresh and Sprouts Farmers Market. If you're a like-minded company committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, we invite you to explore our website and consider collaboration opportunities. Now, with the addition of co-host David Lewis Ill, the intellectual sparks fly between them, creating a poetic dialogue that captivates listeners. Together, they invite guests to share their own stories, fostering healing conversations that offer solace during difficult times. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to join a community founded on vulnerability, creativity, and compassion. Tune in to our podcast today and be a part of something truly special. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard Blank shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center since February 2008. Richard Blank hired bassist Garry Gary Beers of INXS. Jeremiah Jacksun, Know Your Platform , Richard Blank, Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending
Know Your Platform Podcast. Jeremiah Jacksun interviews CEO Richard Blank. Know Your Platform is a weekly mental health podcast that showcases the personal stories and experiences of everyday individuals, providing a unique perspective on mental wellness. Our episodes feature expert insights and real conversations on current events, sports, and entertainment, all focused on fostering a positive and supportive community that promotes open dialogue and mental health awareness. Know Your Platform Podcast proudly supports mental health awareness and healthy living. We appreciate the health-focused initiatives of companies like HelloFresh and Sprouts Farmers Market. If you're a like-minded company committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, we invite you to explore our website and consider collaboration opportunities. Now, with the addition of co-host David Lewis Ill, the intellectual sparks fly between them, creating a poetic dialogue that captivates listeners. Together, they invite guests to share their own stories, fostering healing conversations that offer solace during difficult times. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to join a community founded on vulnerability, creativity, and compassion. Tune in to our podcast today and be a part of something truly special. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard Blank shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center since February 2008. Richard Blank hired bassist Garry Gary Beers of INXS. Jeremiah Jacksun, Know Your Platform , Richard Blank, Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending
Weidling begann seine Bühnenkarriere im Jahr 1955. Die von ihm erfundene und moderierte Talkshow Treff mit O.F. machte ihn Anfang der 1980er-Jahre in der DDR endgültig populär. Er moderierte zweimal die Unterhaltungsshow Ein Kessel Buntes. O. F. Weidling, dessen Markenzeichen das schwarze Smokingjackett mit rotem Futter war, wurde vom Publikum für seine mit bissiger Satire vorgebrachte Kritik an den wirtschaftlichen und politischen Verhältnissen in der DDR geliebt („Unsere Nationalmannschaft hat gegen die UdSSR gespielt, wir haben gewonnen, wir haben uns auch schon dafür entschuldigt...“). Als Weidling am 27. April 1984 vor der Partei- und Staatsführung in Ost-Berlin den neuen Friedrichstadt-Palast als Moderator eröffnete, missfielen dem SED-Wirtschaftsminister Günter Mittag einige von Weidlings Pointen, die gegen ihn gerichtet waren. In der Wiederholung der Fernsehaufzeichnung wurden nicht nur die kritischen Äußerungen, sondern fast alle Szenen, in denen Weidling auftrat, herausgeschnitten. Weidling wurde daraufhin aus dem DDR-Fernsehen verbannt und faktisch mit einem Berufsverbot belegt.[1] Grabstätte von O. F. Weidling Nur kurze Zeit später starb Weidling am 6. Januar 1985 im Alter von 60 Jahren an den Folgen mehrerer schwerer Erkrankungen.[2] Unter großer öffentlicher Anteilnahme wurde er auf dem Heidefriedhof in Dresden beigesetzt.[3] Im Jahr 2022 wurde im Dresdner Stadtteil Albertstadt eine Straße im Neubaugebiet Ecke Marienallee/Stauffenbergallee nach ihm benannt. (Wikipedia)
Nun hat er es also eingesehen: Er muss wieder heiraten! Die Kinder brauchen eine Mutter. Doch wenn er schon keine andere Wahl mehr hat, dann, so sagt sich der Zweiundvierzigjährige, soll es eine möglichst Junge und Hübsche sein, die ihm etwas von seiner eigenen Jugend zurückgibt. Das bildschöne blonde Fräulein Schultze scheint ihm haargenau die Richtige zu sein. Er gerät derart in Feuer, dass er ihretwegen mancherlei Unannehmlichkeiten auf sich nimmt. Sicherlich würden sich seine Söhne Kalle und Kulle nicht derart gegen das wirklich nette Fräulein sträuben, hätten sie sich nicht längst für eine andere Frau entschieden. Für sie kommt nur die Frau vom Rummelplatz als Mutter in Frage, die Frau Büttner, die sie Karussell fahren lässt, ohne dafür Geld zu verlangen! (Text: RBB)
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アダルトビデオのモザイクってどうやってかけてるんでしょう? 今回も前回に引き続き、 Premiereを使って、より実践的なモザイクのかけかたについて、説明いたします。 実際に女優さんに協力いただいて、 最も難しいといわれるフェラチオシーンにフォーカスして実践的なモザイクのかけ方について 詳しくレクチャーしていきます。 マスクのかけかた、マスクの変形の仕方、マスクのON・OFFについて、マスクのフェードイン、フェードアウトの仕方など、前回学んだことをすべて応用して、本格的なモザイクかけに挑戦です。 アダルトビデオのモザイク処理でお困りの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ、ご参考ください。 【前回】 ■公式HP ■公式Twitter ■note
アダルトビデオのモザイクってどうやってかけてるんでしょう? 今回はPremiereを使って、より実践的なモザイクのかけかたについて、説明いたします。 マスクのかけかた、マスクの変形の仕方、マスクのON・OFFについて、マスクのフェードイン、フェードアウトの仕方などについてレクチャーいたします。 アダルトビデオのモザイク処理でお困りの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ、ご参考ください。 【前回】 ■公式HP ■公式Twitter ■note