Kingdom Wars #3 Que Grandes.
Kingdom Wars #4 Cuando consegui a la chica
Your First Thousand Clients Podcast by author Mitch Russo. Harnessing Effective Communication interview With Richard Blank The business podcast for aspiring business owners & entrepreneurs. Imagine having hundreds of highly successful business owners, business coaches, and business strategy consultants sharing their wisdom with you to help your company make it to the next level. That should be the goal when considering the best business podcasts to subscribe to, and that’s what we have achieved with “Your First Thousand Clients”. From Employee To Employer And Leader. Communication is key in every business, especially when done over the phone. If you are looking for ways to improve your communication skills and lock in those pitches, this is the podcast for you. In this episode, Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center, runs through the process of prospecting and how you can build your vocabulary, actively listen, use the right tone of voice, and match the pitch and mood of your client. And their importance in making sure that you don't just have a productive and meaningful interaction but that your client walks away satisfied with your service and the company as a whole. He also shares insights on creating a culture that allows your team to build relationships, empowerment and drive ownership. Tune and learn how to identify telesigns that tell you the right time to ask your confirmation question and lock in that sale for the first 1000 clients and beyond. Your First Thousand Clients Podcast, Mitch Russo, Richard Blank,Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center Imagine having hundreds of highly successful business owners sharing their wisdom with you to help your company make it to the next level. Avoid the traps and pitfalls, grab little-know strategies and find some much-needed inspiration. Recently syndicated with the C-Suite Network, the show is now an iTunes Top 200 podcast. We’re always on the lookout for brilliant, successful business owners, business coaches, leadership coaches, and business/marketing consultants who can help our audience grow or start their company. On Your First Thousand Clients, we are looking ONLY for experienced CEOs, business leaders, successful entrepreneurs who are highly appreciated by the audience. You are making a contribution to the world with your interview, you are helping others. Business Owners of every kind will want to hear from some of the leading marketing, sales, growth and management experts in the world right here on Your First Thousand Clients! The show that gets you to YOUR first thousand clients and beyond!
Your First Thousand Clients Podcast by author Mitch Russo. Harnessing Effective Communication interview With Richard Blank The business podcast for aspiring business owners & entrepreneurs. Imagine having hundreds of highly successful business owners, business coaches, and business strategy consultants sharing their wisdom with you to help your company make it to the next level. That should be the goal when considering the best business podcasts to subscribe to, and that’s what we have achieved with “Your First Thousand Clients”. From Employee To Employer And Leader. Communication is key in every business, especially when done over the phone. If you are looking for ways to improve your communication skills and lock in those pitches, this is the podcast for you. In this episode, Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center, runs through the process of prospecting and how you can build your vocabulary, actively listen, use the right tone of voice, and match the pitch and mood of your client. And their importance in making sure that you don't just have a productive and meaningful interaction but that your client walks away satisfied with your service and the company as a whole. He also shares insights on creating a culture that allows your team to build relationships, empowerment and drive ownership. Tune and learn how to identify telesigns that tell you the right time to ask your confirmation question and lock in that sale for the first 1000 clients and beyond. Your First Thousand Clients Podcast, Mitch Russo, Richard Blank,Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center Imagine having hundreds of highly successful business owners sharing their wisdom with you to help your company make it to the next level. Avoid the traps and pitfalls, grab little-know strategies and find some much-needed inspiration. Recently syndicated with the C-Suite Network, the show is now an iTunes Top 200 podcast. We’re always on the lookout for brilliant, successful business owners, business coaches, leadership coaches, and business/marketing consultants who can help our audience grow or start their company. On Your First Thousand Clients, we are looking ONLY for experienced CEOs, business leaders, successful entrepreneurs who are highly appreciated by the audience. You are making a contribution to the world with your interview, you are helping others. Business Owners of every kind will want to hear from some of the leading marketing, sales, growth and management experts in the world right here on Your First Thousand Clients! The show that gets you to YOUR first thousand clients and beyond!
Your First Thousand Clients Podcast by author Mitch Russo. Harnessing Effective Communication interview With Richard Blank The business podcast for aspiring business owners & entrepreneurs. Imagine having hundreds of highly successful business owners, business coaches, and business strategy consultants sharing their wisdom with you to help your company make it to the next level. That should be the goal when considering the best business podcasts to subscribe to, and that’s what we have achieved with “Your First Thousand Clients”. From Employee To Employer And Leader. Communication is key in every business, especially when done over the phone. If you are looking for ways to improve your communication skills and lock in those pitches, this is the podcast for you. In this episode, Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center, runs through the process of prospecting and how you can build your vocabulary, actively listen, use the right tone of voice, and match the pitch and mood of your client. And their importance in making sure that you don't just have a productive and meaningful interaction but that your client walks away satisfied with your service and the company as a whole. He also shares insights on creating a culture that allows your team to build relationships, empowerment and drive ownership. Tune and learn how to identify telesigns that tell you the right time to ask your confirmation question and lock in that sale for the first 1000 clients and beyond. Your First Thousand Clients Podcast, Mitch Russo, Richard Blank,Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center Imagine having hundreds of highly successful business owners sharing their wisdom with you to help your company make it to the next level. Avoid the traps and pitfalls, grab little-know strategies and find some much-needed inspiration. Recently syndicated with the C-Suite Network, the show is now an iTunes Top 200 podcast. We’re always on the lookout for brilliant, successful business owners, business coaches, leadership coaches, and business/marketing consultants who can help our audience grow or start their company. On Your First Thousand Clients, we are looking ONLY for experienced CEOs, business leaders, successful entrepreneurs who are highly appreciated by the audience. You are making a contribution to the world with your interview, you are helping others. Business Owners of every kind will want to hear from some of the leading marketing, sales, growth and management experts in the world right here on Your First Thousand Clients! The show that gets you to YOUR first thousand clients and beyond!
Your First Thousand Clients Podcast by author Mitch Russo. Harnessing Effective Communication interview With Richard Blank The business podcast for aspiring business owners & entrepreneurs. Imagine having hundreds of highly successful business owners, business coaches, and business strategy consultants sharing their wisdom with you to help your company make it to the next level. That should be the goal when considering the best business podcasts to subscribe to, and that’s what we have achieved with “Your First Thousand Clients”. From Employee To Employer And Leader. Communication is key in every business, especially when done over the phone. If you are looking for ways to improve your communication skills and lock in those pitches, this is the podcast for you. In this episode, Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center, runs through the process of prospecting and how you can build your vocabulary, actively listen, use the right tone of voice, and match the pitch and mood of your client. And their importance in making sure that you don't just have a productive and meaningful interaction but that your client walks away satisfied with your service and the company as a whole. He also shares insights on creating a culture that allows your team to build relationships, empowerment and drive ownership. Tune and learn how to identify telesigns that tell you the right time to ask your confirmation question and lock in that sale for the first 1000 clients and beyond. Your First Thousand Clients Podcast, Mitch Russo, Richard Blank,Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center Imagine having hundreds of highly successful business owners sharing their wisdom with you to help your company make it to the next level. Avoid the traps and pitfalls, grab little-know strategies and find some much-needed inspiration. Recently syndicated with the C-Suite Network, the show is now an iTunes Top 200 podcast. We’re always on the lookout for brilliant, successful business owners, business coaches, leadership coaches, and business/marketing consultants who can help our audience grow or start their company. On Your First Thousand Clients, we are looking ONLY for experienced CEOs, business leaders, successful entrepreneurs who are highly appreciated by the audience. You are making a contribution to the world with your interview, you are helping others. Business Owners of every kind will want to hear from some of the leading marketing, sales, growth and management experts in the world right here on Your First Thousand Clients! The show that gets you to YOUR first thousand clients and beyond!
Your First Thousand Clients Podcast by author Mitch Russo. Harnessing Effective Communication interview With Richard Blank The business podcast for aspiring business owners & entrepreneurs. Imagine having hundreds of highly successful business owners, business coaches, and business strategy consultants sharing their wisdom with you to help your company make it to the next level. That should be the goal when considering the best business podcasts to subscribe to, and that’s what we have achieved with “Your First Thousand Clients”. From Employee To Employer And Leader. Communication is key in every business, especially when done over the phone. If you are looking for ways to improve your communication skills and lock in those pitches, this is the podcast for you. In this episode, Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center, runs through the process of prospecting and how you can build your vocabulary, actively listen, use the right tone of voice, and match the pitch and mood of your client. And their importance in making sure that you don't just have a productive and meaningful interaction but that your client walks away satisfied with your service and the company as a whole. He also shares insights on creating a culture that allows your team to build relationships, empowerment and drive ownership. Tune and learn how to identify telesigns that tell you the right time to ask your confirmation question and lock in that sale for the first 1000 clients and beyond. Your First Thousand Clients Podcast, Mitch Russo, Richard Blank,Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center Imagine having hundreds of highly successful business owners sharing their wisdom with you to help your company make it to the next level. Avoid the traps and pitfalls, grab little-know strategies and find some much-needed inspiration. Recently syndicated with the C-Suite Network, the show is now an iTunes Top 200 podcast. We’re always on the lookout for brilliant, successful business owners, business coaches, leadership coaches, and business/marketing consultants who can help our audience grow or start their company. On Your First Thousand Clients, we are looking ONLY for experienced CEOs, business leaders, successful entrepreneurs who are highly appreciated by the audience. You are making a contribution to the world with your interview, you are helping others. Business Owners of every kind will want to hear from some of the leading marketing, sales, growth and management experts in the world right here on Your First Thousand Clients! The show that gets you to YOUR first thousand clients and beyond!
9月16日は殷海光忌にあたりますので、2024年2月に撮影した写真をもとに、殷海光先生の墓がある自由墓園に関する動画を作成してみました。 自由墓園は台北市南港区に近い南港墓園内にあり、住所からいうと、新北市深坑区(旧台北県深坑郷)になるのでしょう。南港方面から向かうこともできますが、今回は台北MRT木柵線からバスに乗り換えるルートを選びました。自由墓園内には、嘗て台湾の民主化に多大な貢献のあった雑誌「自由中国」の関係者で外省系自由派知識人である雷震夫妻、殷海光夫妻、傅正先生等に加えて、自由墓園の設置者である雷震先生の他のご家族の墓碑があるようです。 続いて、自由墓園からさほど遠くないところにある国立政治大学には雷震記念館・研究センターがあるので、訪れてみることにしました。ただ、キャンパス内に設置されている地図を見ても、場所が見当たらず、事務職員と学生を含めて合計3人に聞いてみましたが、分からないとのことであり、やむを得ず、ネットで調べてみると、別のキャンパスにある図書館内にあるようなので、一旦、正門から出て、指南キャンパス達賢図書館に向かいました。図書館の6階に上がる必要があり、個人情報を入力し、パスポートを預けて、臨時の図書館カードを受け取りました。雷震先生関連の展示品は、通路に置かれた陳列棚の上や壁に掛けて展示されており、参観は無料です。ただ、展示物の数はそれほど多くはないような気がしました。とりあえず、図書館の職員さんには、キャンパス内に設置されている地図に記載がなく、学内でも知名度は高くない模様であるという問題点を指摘しておきました。 #台北 #自由墓園 #殷海光 #雷震 #傅正 #自由中国 #台湾 #政治大学 #中国民主党 #移行期正義 #民主 #憲政 #台灣 #政治大學 #中國民主黨 #轉型正義 #自由中國 9月16日是殷海光先生的忌日,我使用自己在2024年2月拍攝的原始相片,創作了殷海光先生之墓所在的自由墓園有關影片。 自由墓園位於台北市南港區附近的南港墓園內,從**來說,在於新北市深坑區(原台北縣深坑鄉)。當然也可以從南港方面去,不過這次我選擇了台北捷運木柵線換乘公車的路線。自由墓園內有大陸赴台自由派知識分子雷震夫婦、殷海光夫婦、傅正先生等曾經對台灣民主化有很大貢獻的《自由中國》雜誌相關人士以及自由墓園的創設人雷震先生的其他家人的墓碑。 接著,我到訪了國立政治大學,是因為政治大學設有雷震紀念館暨雷震研究中心,而且政治大學距離自由墓園不太遠。只是,我看了一下校園內設置的地圖,結果地圖上根本找不到該紀念館暨研究中心的位置。於是,我問了一下包括大學行政人員和學生在內的總共三個人,但他們都說不知道。沒辦法,上網查了一下,結果發現目的地在另一個校區的圖書館裡。於是,我從正門出去,走到指南校區達賢圖書館。之後,又發現目的地在圖書館的六樓,需要登記個人資料並提交護照,換取一張臨時圖書館卡,才能入內。終於到了,與雷震先生有關的展示品陳列在走廊的展示櫃上,說明牌掛在牆壁上,可免費參觀。只是,我感覺數量並不多。回去的時候,我暫且先向圖書館工作人員反映了一下校園裡的地圖上沒有標註以及知名度不高這些問題。
人妻さんが毎晩行うストレッチをご紹介します。 美容と健康の為にも一緒にストレッチいかがでしょうか!? プロフもご覧なってみて下さい。
アダルトビデオのモザイクってどうやってかけてるんでしょう? 今回も前回に引き続き、 Premiereを使って、より実践的なモザイクのかけかたについて、説明いたします。 実際に女優さんに協力いただいて、 最も難しいといわれるフェラチオシーンにフォーカスして実践的なモザイクのかけ方について 詳しくレクチャーしていきます。 マスクのかけかた、マスクの変形の仕方、マスクのON・OFFについて、マスクのフェードイン、フェードアウトの仕方など、前回学んだことをすべて応用して、本格的なモザイクかけに挑戦です。 アダルトビデオのモザイク処理でお困りの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ、ご参考ください。 【前回】 ■公式HP ■公式Twitter ■note
アダルトビデオのモザイクってどうやってかけてるんでしょう? 今回はPremiereを使って、より実践的なモザイクのかけかたについて、説明いたします。 マスクのかけかた、マスクの変形の仕方、マスクのON・OFFについて、マスクのフェードイン、フェードアウトの仕方などについてレクチャーいたします。 アダルトビデオのモザイク処理でお困りの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ、ご参考ください。 【前回】 ■公式HP ■公式Twitter ■note