無料 で 家 に 電力 を 供給 する 機械 を 想像 し て ください。 それ は 豪州 の 発明 家 二人 が 開発 し た と 主張 する もの です。 磁石 と バッテリー を 使用 し、 革新 的 な 発電 機 に 投資 家 が 殺到。 クリス・ アレン が レポート し ます。 ジョン、 これ が その 機械 です か? はい、 クリス、 これ です。 どんな こと が できる ん です か? 家 に 電力 を 供給 でき ます。 この 機械 は 家 の 電力 を 賄い、 余剰 電力 も 生み出せ ます。 信じ がたい 話 です が、 発明 家 ジョン は 世界 を 変える と 確信。 つまり、 消費 電力 の 5 倍 も 生産 できる と いう こと です か? はい、 そう です。 この 機械 は それ 以上 の 電力 も 生産 可能 です。 バッテリー で 起動 後、 年 単位 で 稼働 し 1 日 24 kW を 発電 し ます。 これ 以上 革命 的 な もの は ない でしょう。 つまり、 世界 の 電力 生産 方法 を 変える 可能 性 の ある もの に つい て 話し て いる ん です。 車 の 動力 方式 を 変える 可能 性 も あり ます。 実際、 内燃 機関 に 取っ て 代わる こと が できる ん です。 ジョン、 大きな 主張 です ね。 本当 に それ を 実現 できる ん です か? クリス、 実現 する 必要 は ない ん です。 この 技術 は 自ら を 物語っ て い ます。 家庭 用 の 機械 を 買っ て ガレージ に 設置 すれ ば、 電力 会社 から 買わ ず に 永久 に 家 に 電力 を 供給 できる ん です。 それ ほど 画期 的 な もの な ん です。 スティーブ・ ブラシントン は 独立 し た 電気 技師 です。 彼 は 機械 を 見 て、 ジョン の 言葉 を すべて 裏付け て い ます。 革命 的 です。 それ が 唯一 の 表現 方法 です。 この 技術 は 物理 法則 を 曲げ て は い ませ ん。 今日 の 発電 で 使わ れ て いる 原理 を、 新しい 方法 で 応用 し て いる だけ です。 彼 ら は 既存 の 枠 を 超え て 考え た ん です。 基本 的 に、 モーター の 動き は 磁気 引力 と 反発 力 に よっ て 生み出さ れ ます。 なぜ 一部 の 科学 者 が 懐疑 的 な の か、 理解 でき ます か? 我々 の モーター や 数値 を 見 た 物理 学 者 や 技術 者 で、 機能 し ない と 言う 人 は い ませ ん。 ルー は 電気 技師、 ジョン は 北 クイーンズランド の ケアンズ の ビジネスマン です。 この 意外 な 発明 家 二人組 は、 6 年間 マシン を 改良 し 続け て き まし た。 国際 特許 を 申請 し、 参加 希望 者 が 殺到 し て い ます。 コイル が 熱く なら ない ん です。 地元 実業 家 の アレックス・ ローマ は、 発電 機 開発 支援 を 申し出 た 多く の 一人 です。 彼 ら の 主張 通り だ と 証明 さ れれ ば、 確実 に 投資 し たい もの です ね。 ジョン は 発明 家 の 億 万 長者 ジョージ・ ルウィン と も 話し まし た。 トリトン 作業 台 の 考案 者 で、 豪州 発明 の 海外 流出 を 防ぐ 基金 を 設立 中 です。 ここ に は 世界 と 共有 できる、 これ まで に 考え も し なかっ た よう な 発明 の 機会 が ある と 思い ます。 地元 大学 の 科学 者 たち は、 ジョン の 機械 に 興味 を 示し つつ も 慎重 な 姿勢 を 取っ て い ます。 彼 ら は、 ジョン の 言う 通り の 発電 量 なら、 物理 法則 の 一部 を 書き直す 必要 が ある と 述べ て い ます。 また、 独立 し た 検証 が さ れる まで は 投資 に 慎重 に なる よう 呼びかけ て い ます。 機能 し ない と 言う 人 は、 実際 に 見 て い ない か、 我々 の データ を 確認 し て い ない ん です。 彼 ら は 詳しく 調べ て い ない ん です。 見れ ば、 みんな 機能 する と 同意 する はず です。 ジョン は、 家庭 用 発電 機 が 1 年 以内 に 約 5000 ドル で 販売 さ れる と 言っ て い ます。 彼 の 言う 通り なら、 彼 は もっと 大 金持ち に なる でしょう。 この 技術 は どれ くらい の 価値 が ある と 思い ます か? 正直、 まったく 見当 が つき ませ ん。 何百 万 ドル と いう 話 に なる ん でしょう か? はい、 間違い なく 何百 万 ドル 規模 です が、 それ を 受け取る の は 躊躇 し ます ね。
weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. Every day, entrepreneurs around the world wonder if they have what it takes. What it takes to put food on the table, keep clothes on their back, keep a roof over their head, build a successful business, and even if they have what it takes to create and be a part of something bigger than themselves. During each episode, Casey Clark, founder of C Clark Consulting, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn more about what it means to them to thrive, how they’re using their business in creating an impactful legacy, and what has tried to get in their way. These stories will resonate with your soul as they inspire you to manifest your vision! Casey Clark interviews Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center in episode 45 of the weTHRIVE podcast. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A We Thrive Podcast has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica as an expat. Topics discussed with Richard: advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, pinball machines, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading. Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008. Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level. Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies. We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your Favorite Pinball Games and Arcade Adventures Ooh, the one that I own or the one that I have played? The one that I own is a 1996 NBA Fast Break from Williams. It's a wonderful machine. I enjoy that the most. But when I was in Arizona, they have this amazing arcade that's in Mesa that's got like over 50 pinball machines. And I was able to play some stuff from the old 70s and the 80s and 90s. Influential Book and Life Lessons It's a wonderful question. There's so much out there. For me personally, I've dabbled in your self-helps and motivational books, but I'm more into biographies or certain sort of stories of a coming of age. My favorite book of all time was a gift that was given to me. It's from Harvey Allen. It's called Anthony Adverse. It was written in the 1930s. It's a very big, fat, long book. Anthony Adverse. And they made a movie about it as well from Harvey Allen. And so it was something that I never expected to read. But when I was in Spain, a very good friend of mine gave it to me. So when I was on the trains, I would pull out a few pages here and there. But it was it was really about a wonderful story about a dreamer that lived in since it's very long, a full life. I mean, you really go through the whole book. But it changed me a little bit. It was the discipline of reading a book that was so many pages, but also I resonate towards this main character that was finding himself and needed others where, Casey, success is built on a million thank yous, and I'd be very foolish to think I did this on my own. Show less growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry. Marriage and Video Game Battle Lines I got Hook. I got a World Cup machine, Street Fighter 2, Jokers, Lethal Weapon 3, Mousing Around, Judge Dredd, State Shuttle. Listen, when you're married to somebody, you got to choose your battles wisely. My wife can have 99% of battles when the one thing I am going to die on that hill are my video games. And Casey, thank God I got enough room at my office that I can fit them all. Positive Employee Management That's just one of so many examples. And also another one I'm going to throw back into the game room. So instead of having a meeting, Casey, where I bring you in and make you feel bad, why don't we take a recess downstairs? Let's get on the Pac-Man machine. Let's play some pinball. Five minutes later, you've let off some steam. You've recharged some batteries. You're saying, thank you, jefe. Thank you. You don't need to thank me. Thank you for allowing me to get you off the floor for a minute away from everybody. So you could calm down and reset yourself. Yeah. That's all. And then let's go back up champ. Let's do what we gotta do. Strategic Communication and Respect And the second thing is I'm going to know your name, so I'll give you the dignity. And a lot of the agents will tell me, Richard, you're the first boss that ever knew my name. And I said, unfortunately, that's true. And I might be the last, but at least while you're with me, I will know your name. And also, and also since English is their second language and it's okay that they have a slight accent to me, Casey, it bears the mark of higher education. I really insist on the thesaurus because I want them to properly express themselves. And so there are certain words that can produce a negative trigger, a rabbit hole or an ego defense. And so by using strategic words like guiding, assist and lending a hand versus helping and instead of saying, excuse me, can you repeat that? It's more, Casey, for my clarification. These are some strategic, diplomatic, and very choice structured conversations where we can really prolong conversations, increase conversion ratios. And not only that, increase the fulfillment of the agent's job. Casey, this is a very strict Catholic country. And as much as I want to fulfill the need of the agent, it's really more for the client. Thriving Through Positive Reinforcement It's really not about me, my friend. It's really about the others. It's the positive reinforcement that I get. So I could think that I'm the greatest and I'm the one man party and show and I'm the king of the castle. But if nobody shows up for my birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, I have no friends. And so for me, being in business for 14 years, it's not about how smart I am. how clever I am. It's about the foundation of the people that come back here every day to work with me. And so thriving for me is when people say, good morning, jefe, or they become supervisors, or they've been with me for a year, five, 10 years, or I get a written letter from a client telling me how amazing my organization is. And so I feed off of the responses of others. Transforming Negative Tone with Buffer Boomerang I have a buffer boomerang technique where if somebody asks you a question, sometimes their tone could be negative. So what I would like to do is buffer your tone and make it positive. So I'd say, Casey, that's an excellent question. My name is Richard Blank. Reinforce it with the question, repeated what you said to show active listening, and then sent it back to you in a positive way. There's positive, there's buffer boomerangs throughout an entire phone call when someone asks you a question and makes a statement. So then let's say that your assistant's name is Susan. And I answer her question and she likes me and she's willing to transfer the call to you. Prior to that transfer to call Casey at your consulting group, I'm going to let them know that how amazing that they are when I speak with you. So I'm going to be giving a gift and moving with some momentum. weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/VRbCVWZKILw https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/O8O-r3Y3SF8 https://youtu.be/H0gnT5P4JK4 https://youtu.be/GAKngbhRvtE https://youtu.be/kbqnHBQRUeE
weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. Every day, entrepreneurs around the world wonder if they have what it takes. What it takes to put food on the table, keep clothes on their back, keep a roof over their head, build a successful business, and even if they have what it takes to create and be a part of something bigger than themselves. During each episode, Casey Clark, founder of C Clark Consulting, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn more about what it means to them to thrive, how they’re using their business in creating an impactful legacy, and what has tried to get in their way. These stories will resonate with your soul as they inspire you to manifest your vision! Casey Clark interviews Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center in episode 45 of the weTHRIVE podcast. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A We Thrive Podcast has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica as an expat. Topics discussed with Richard: advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, pinball machines, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading. Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008. Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level. Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies. We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your Favorite Pinball Games and Arcade Adventures Ooh, the one that I own or the one that I have played? The one that I own is a 1996 NBA Fast Break from Williams. It's a wonderful machine. I enjoy that the most. But when I was in Arizona, they have this amazing arcade that's in Mesa that's got like over 50 pinball machines. And I was able to play some stuff from the old 70s and the 80s and 90s. Influential Book and Life Lessons It's a wonderful question. There's so much out there. For me personally, I've dabbled in your self-helps and motivational books, but I'm more into biographies or certain sort of stories of a coming of age. My favorite book of all time was a gift that was given to me. It's from Harvey Allen. It's called Anthony Adverse. It was written in the 1930s. It's a very big, fat, long book. Anthony Adverse. And they made a movie about it as well from Harvey Allen. And so it was something that I never expected to read. But when I was in Spain, a very good friend of mine gave it to me. So when I was on the trains, I would pull out a few pages here and there. But it was it was really about a wonderful story about a dreamer that lived in since it's very long, a full life. I mean, you really go through the whole book. But it changed me a little bit. It was the discipline of reading a book that was so many pages, but also I resonate towards this main character that was finding himself and needed others where, Casey, success is built on a million thank yous, and I'd be very foolish to think I did this on my own. Show less growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry. Marriage and Video Game Battle Lines I got Hook. I got a World Cup machine, Street Fighter 2, Jokers, Lethal Weapon 3, Mousing Around, Judge Dredd, State Shuttle. Listen, when you're married to somebody, you got to choose your battles wisely. My wife can have 99% of battles when the one thing I am going to die on that hill are my video games. And Casey, thank God I got enough room at my office that I can fit them all. Positive Employee Management That's just one of so many examples. And also another one I'm going to throw back into the game room. So instead of having a meeting, Casey, where I bring you in and make you feel bad, why don't we take a recess downstairs? Let's get on the Pac-Man machine. Let's play some pinball. Five minutes later, you've let off some steam. You've recharged some batteries. You're saying, thank you, jefe. Thank you. You don't need to thank me. Thank you for allowing me to get you off the floor for a minute away from everybody. So you could calm down and reset yourself. Yeah. That's all. And then let's go back up champ. Let's do what we gotta do. Strategic Communication and Respect And the second thing is I'm going to know your name, so I'll give you the dignity. And a lot of the agents will tell me, Richard, you're the first boss that ever knew my name. And I said, unfortunately, that's true. And I might be the last, but at least while you're with me, I will know your name. And also, and also since English is their second language and it's okay that they have a slight accent to me, Casey, it bears the mark of higher education. I really insist on the thesaurus because I want them to properly express themselves. And so there are certain words that can produce a negative trigger, a rabbit hole or an ego defense. And so by using strategic words like guiding, assist and lending a hand versus helping and instead of saying, excuse me, can you repeat that? It's more, Casey, for my clarification. These are some strategic, diplomatic, and very choice structured conversations where we can really prolong conversations, increase conversion ratios. And not only that, increase the fulfillment of the agent's job. Casey, this is a very strict Catholic country. And as much as I want to fulfill the need of the agent, it's really more for the client. Thriving Through Positive Reinforcement It's really not about me, my friend. It's really about the others. It's the positive reinforcement that I get. So I could think that I'm the greatest and I'm the one man party and show and I'm the king of the castle. But if nobody shows up for my birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, I have no friends. And so for me, being in business for 14 years, it's not about how smart I am. how clever I am. It's about the foundation of the people that come back here every day to work with me. And so thriving for me is when people say, good morning, jefe, or they become supervisors, or they've been with me for a year, five, 10 years, or I get a written letter from a client telling me how amazing my organization is. And so I feed off of the responses of others. Transforming Negative Tone with Buffer Boomerang I have a buffer boomerang technique where if somebody asks you a question, sometimes their tone could be negative. So what I would like to do is buffer your tone and make it positive. So I'd say, Casey, that's an excellent question. My name is Richard Blank. Reinforce it with the question, repeated what you said to show active listening, and then sent it back to you in a positive way. There's positive, there's buffer boomerangs throughout an entire phone call when someone asks you a question and makes a statement. So then let's say that your assistant's name is Susan. And I answer her question and she likes me and she's willing to transfer the call to you. Prior to that transfer to call Casey at your consulting group, I'm going to let them know that how amazing that they are when I speak with you. So I'm going to be giving a gift and moving with some momentum. weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/VRbCVWZKILw https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/O8O-r3Y3SF8 https://youtu.be/H0gnT5P4JK4 https://youtu.be/GAKngbhRvtE https://youtu.be/kbqnHBQRUeE
weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. Every day, entrepreneurs around the world wonder if they have what it takes. What it takes to put food on the table, keep clothes on their back, keep a roof over their head, build a successful business, and even if they have what it takes to create and be a part of something bigger than themselves. During each episode, Casey Clark, founder of C Clark Consulting, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn more about what it means to them to thrive, how they’re using their business in creating an impactful legacy, and what has tried to get in their way. These stories will resonate with your soul as they inspire you to manifest your vision! Casey Clark interviews Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center in episode 45 of the weTHRIVE podcast. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A We Thrive Podcast has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica as an expat. Topics discussed with Richard: advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, pinball machines, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading. Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008. Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level. Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies. We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your Favorite Pinball Games and Arcade Adventures Ooh, the one that I own or the one that I have played? The one that I own is a 1996 NBA Fast Break from Williams. It's a wonderful machine. I enjoy that the most. But when I was in Arizona, they have this amazing arcade that's in Mesa that's got like over 50 pinball machines. And I was able to play some stuff from the old 70s and the 80s and 90s. Influential Book and Life Lessons It's a wonderful question. There's so much out there. For me personally, I've dabbled in your self-helps and motivational books, but I'm more into biographies or certain sort of stories of a coming of age. My favorite book of all time was a gift that was given to me. It's from Harvey Allen. It's called Anthony Adverse. It was written in the 1930s. It's a very big, fat, long book. Anthony Adverse. And they made a movie about it as well from Harvey Allen. And so it was something that I never expected to read. But when I was in Spain, a very good friend of mine gave it to me. So when I was on the trains, I would pull out a few pages here and there. But it was it was really about a wonderful story about a dreamer that lived in since it's very long, a full life. I mean, you really go through the whole book. But it changed me a little bit. It was the discipline of reading a book that was so many pages, but also I resonate towards this main character that was finding himself and needed others where, Casey, success is built on a million thank yous, and I'd be very foolish to think I did this on my own. Show less growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry. Marriage and Video Game Battle Lines I got Hook. I got a World Cup machine, Street Fighter 2, Jokers, Lethal Weapon 3, Mousing Around, Judge Dredd, State Shuttle. Listen, when you're married to somebody, you got to choose your battles wisely. My wife can have 99% of battles when the one thing I am going to die on that hill are my video games. And Casey, thank God I got enough room at my office that I can fit them all. Positive Employee Management That's just one of so many examples. And also another one I'm going to throw back into the game room. So instead of having a meeting, Casey, where I bring you in and make you feel bad, why don't we take a recess downstairs? Let's get on the Pac-Man machine. Let's play some pinball. Five minutes later, you've let off some steam. You've recharged some batteries. You're saying, thank you, jefe. Thank you. You don't need to thank me. Thank you for allowing me to get you off the floor for a minute away from everybody. So you could calm down and reset yourself. Yeah. That's all. And then let's go back up champ. Let's do what we gotta do. Strategic Communication and Respect And the second thing is I'm going to know your name, so I'll give you the dignity. And a lot of the agents will tell me, Richard, you're the first boss that ever knew my name. And I said, unfortunately, that's true. And I might be the last, but at least while you're with me, I will know your name. And also, and also since English is their second language and it's okay that they have a slight accent to me, Casey, it bears the mark of higher education. I really insist on the thesaurus because I want them to properly express themselves. And so there are certain words that can produce a negative trigger, a rabbit hole or an ego defense. And so by using strategic words like guiding, assist and lending a hand versus helping and instead of saying, excuse me, can you repeat that? It's more, Casey, for my clarification. These are some strategic, diplomatic, and very choice structured conversations where we can really prolong conversations, increase conversion ratios. And not only that, increase the fulfillment of the agent's job. Casey, this is a very strict Catholic country. And as much as I want to fulfill the need of the agent, it's really more for the client. Thriving Through Positive Reinforcement It's really not about me, my friend. It's really about the others. It's the positive reinforcement that I get. So I could think that I'm the greatest and I'm the one man party and show and I'm the king of the castle. But if nobody shows up for my birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, I have no friends. And so for me, being in business for 14 years, it's not about how smart I am. how clever I am. It's about the foundation of the people that come back here every day to work with me. And so thriving for me is when people say, good morning, jefe, or they become supervisors, or they've been with me for a year, five, 10 years, or I get a written letter from a client telling me how amazing my organization is. And so I feed off of the responses of others. Transforming Negative Tone with Buffer Boomerang I have a buffer boomerang technique where if somebody asks you a question, sometimes their tone could be negative. So what I would like to do is buffer your tone and make it positive. So I'd say, Casey, that's an excellent question. My name is Richard Blank. Reinforce it with the question, repeated what you said to show active listening, and then sent it back to you in a positive way. There's positive, there's buffer boomerangs throughout an entire phone call when someone asks you a question and makes a statement. So then let's say that your assistant's name is Susan. And I answer her question and she likes me and she's willing to transfer the call to you. Prior to that transfer to call Casey at your consulting group, I'm going to let them know that how amazing that they are when I speak with you. So I'm going to be giving a gift and moving with some momentum. weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/VRbCVWZKILw https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/O8O-r3Y3SF8 https://youtu.be/H0gnT5P4JK4 https://youtu.be/GAKngbhRvtE https://youtu.be/kbqnHBQRUeE
weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. Every day, entrepreneurs around the world wonder if they have what it takes. What it takes to put food on the table, keep clothes on their back, keep a roof over their head, build a successful business, and even if they have what it takes to create and be a part of something bigger than themselves. During each episode, Casey Clark, founder of C Clark Consulting, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn more about what it means to them to thrive, how they’re using their business in creating an impactful legacy, and what has tried to get in their way. These stories will resonate with your soul as they inspire you to manifest your vision! Casey Clark interviews Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center in episode 45 of the weTHRIVE podcast. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A We Thrive Podcast has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica as an expat. Topics discussed with Richard: advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, pinball machines, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading. Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008. Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level. Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies. We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your Favorite Pinball Games and Arcade Adventures Ooh, the one that I own or the one that I have played? The one that I own is a 1996 NBA Fast Break from Williams. It's a wonderful machine. I enjoy that the most. But when I was in Arizona, they have this amazing arcade that's in Mesa that's got like over 50 pinball machines. And I was able to play some stuff from the old 70s and the 80s and 90s. Influential Book and Life Lessons It's a wonderful question. There's so much out there. For me personally, I've dabbled in your self-helps and motivational books, but I'm more into biographies or certain sort of stories of a coming of age. My favorite book of all time was a gift that was given to me. It's from Harvey Allen. It's called Anthony Adverse. It was written in the 1930s. It's a very big, fat, long book. Anthony Adverse. And they made a movie about it as well from Harvey Allen. And so it was something that I never expected to read. But when I was in Spain, a very good friend of mine gave it to me. So when I was on the trains, I would pull out a few pages here and there. But it was it was really about a wonderful story about a dreamer that lived in since it's very long, a full life. I mean, you really go through the whole book. But it changed me a little bit. It was the discipline of reading a book that was so many pages, but also I resonate towards this main character that was finding himself and needed others where, Casey, success is built on a million thank yous, and I'd be very foolish to think I did this on my own. Show less growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry. Marriage and Video Game Battle Lines I got Hook. I got a World Cup machine, Street Fighter 2, Jokers, Lethal Weapon 3, Mousing Around, Judge Dredd, State Shuttle. Listen, when you're married to somebody, you got to choose your battles wisely. My wife can have 99% of battles when the one thing I am going to die on that hill are my video games. And Casey, thank God I got enough room at my office that I can fit them all. Positive Employee Management That's just one of so many examples. And also another one I'm going to throw back into the game room. So instead of having a meeting, Casey, where I bring you in and make you feel bad, why don't we take a recess downstairs? Let's get on the Pac-Man machine. Let's play some pinball. Five minutes later, you've let off some steam. You've recharged some batteries. You're saying, thank you, jefe. Thank you. You don't need to thank me. Thank you for allowing me to get you off the floor for a minute away from everybody. So you could calm down and reset yourself. Yeah. That's all. And then let's go back up champ. Let's do what we gotta do. Strategic Communication and Respect And the second thing is I'm going to know your name, so I'll give you the dignity. And a lot of the agents will tell me, Richard, you're the first boss that ever knew my name. And I said, unfortunately, that's true. And I might be the last, but at least while you're with me, I will know your name. And also, and also since English is their second language and it's okay that they have a slight accent to me, Casey, it bears the mark of higher education. I really insist on the thesaurus because I want them to properly express themselves. And so there are certain words that can produce a negative trigger, a rabbit hole or an ego defense. And so by using strategic words like guiding, assist and lending a hand versus helping and instead of saying, excuse me, can you repeat that? It's more, Casey, for my clarification. These are some strategic, diplomatic, and very choice structured conversations where we can really prolong conversations, increase conversion ratios. And not only that, increase the fulfillment of the agent's job. Casey, this is a very strict Catholic country. And as much as I want to fulfill the need of the agent, it's really more for the client. Thriving Through Positive Reinforcement It's really not about me, my friend. It's really about the others. It's the positive reinforcement that I get. So I could think that I'm the greatest and I'm the one man party and show and I'm the king of the castle. But if nobody shows up for my birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, I have no friends. And so for me, being in business for 14 years, it's not about how smart I am. how clever I am. It's about the foundation of the people that come back here every day to work with me. And so thriving for me is when people say, good morning, jefe, or they become supervisors, or they've been with me for a year, five, 10 years, or I get a written letter from a client telling me how amazing my organization is. And so I feed off of the responses of others. Transforming Negative Tone with Buffer Boomerang I have a buffer boomerang technique where if somebody asks you a question, sometimes their tone could be negative. So what I would like to do is buffer your tone and make it positive. So I'd say, Casey, that's an excellent question. My name is Richard Blank. Reinforce it with the question, repeated what you said to show active listening, and then sent it back to you in a positive way. There's positive, there's buffer boomerangs throughout an entire phone call when someone asks you a question and makes a statement. So then let's say that your assistant's name is Susan. And I answer her question and she likes me and she's willing to transfer the call to you. Prior to that transfer to call Casey at your consulting group, I'm going to let them know that how amazing that they are when I speak with you. So I'm going to be giving a gift and moving with some momentum. weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/VRbCVWZKILw https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/O8O-r3Y3SF8 https://youtu.be/H0gnT5P4JK4 https://youtu.be/GAKngbhRvtE https://youtu.be/kbqnHBQRUeE
weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. Every day, entrepreneurs around the world wonder if they have what it takes. What it takes to put food on the table, keep clothes on their back, keep a roof over their head, build a successful business, and even if they have what it takes to create and be a part of something bigger than themselves. During each episode, Casey Clark, founder of C Clark Consulting, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn more about what it means to them to thrive, how they’re using their business in creating an impactful legacy, and what has tried to get in their way. These stories will resonate with your soul as they inspire you to manifest your vision! Casey Clark interviews Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center in episode 45 of the weTHRIVE podcast. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A We Thrive Podcast has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica as an expat. Topics discussed with Richard: advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, pinball machines, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading. Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008. Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level. Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies. We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your Favorite Pinball Games and Arcade Adventures Ooh, the one that I own or the one that I have played? The one that I own is a 1996 NBA Fast Break from Williams. It's a wonderful machine. I enjoy that the most. But when I was in Arizona, they have this amazing arcade that's in Mesa that's got like over 50 pinball machines. And I was able to play some stuff from the old 70s and the 80s and 90s. Influential Book and Life Lessons It's a wonderful question. There's so much out there. For me personally, I've dabbled in your self-helps and motivational books, but I'm more into biographies or certain sort of stories of a coming of age. My favorite book of all time was a gift that was given to me. It's from Harvey Allen. It's called Anthony Adverse. It was written in the 1930s. It's a very big, fat, long book. Anthony Adverse. And they made a movie about it as well from Harvey Allen. And so it was something that I never expected to read. But when I was in Spain, a very good friend of mine gave it to me. So when I was on the trains, I would pull out a few pages here and there. But it was it was really about a wonderful story about a dreamer that lived in since it's very long, a full life. I mean, you really go through the whole book. But it changed me a little bit. It was the discipline of reading a book that was so many pages, but also I resonate towards this main character that was finding himself and needed others where, Casey, success is built on a million thank yous, and I'd be very foolish to think I did this on my own. Show less growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry. Marriage and Video Game Battle Lines I got Hook. I got a World Cup machine, Street Fighter 2, Jokers, Lethal Weapon 3, Mousing Around, Judge Dredd, State Shuttle. Listen, when you're married to somebody, you got to choose your battles wisely. My wife can have 99% of battles when the one thing I am going to die on that hill are my video games. And Casey, thank God I got enough room at my office that I can fit them all. Positive Employee Management That's just one of so many examples. And also another one I'm going to throw back into the game room. So instead of having a meeting, Casey, where I bring you in and make you feel bad, why don't we take a recess downstairs? Let's get on the Pac-Man machine. Let's play some pinball. Five minutes later, you've let off some steam. You've recharged some batteries. You're saying, thank you, jefe. Thank you. You don't need to thank me. Thank you for allowing me to get you off the floor for a minute away from everybody. So you could calm down and reset yourself. Yeah. That's all. And then let's go back up champ. Let's do what we gotta do. Strategic Communication and Respect And the second thing is I'm going to know your name, so I'll give you the dignity. And a lot of the agents will tell me, Richard, you're the first boss that ever knew my name. And I said, unfortunately, that's true. And I might be the last, but at least while you're with me, I will know your name. And also, and also since English is their second language and it's okay that they have a slight accent to me, Casey, it bears the mark of higher education. I really insist on the thesaurus because I want them to properly express themselves. And so there are certain words that can produce a negative trigger, a rabbit hole or an ego defense. And so by using strategic words like guiding, assist and lending a hand versus helping and instead of saying, excuse me, can you repeat that? It's more, Casey, for my clarification. These are some strategic, diplomatic, and very choice structured conversations where we can really prolong conversations, increase conversion ratios. And not only that, increase the fulfillment of the agent's job. Casey, this is a very strict Catholic country. And as much as I want to fulfill the need of the agent, it's really more for the client. Thriving Through Positive Reinforcement It's really not about me, my friend. It's really about the others. It's the positive reinforcement that I get. So I could think that I'm the greatest and I'm the one man party and show and I'm the king of the castle. But if nobody shows up for my birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, I have no friends. And so for me, being in business for 14 years, it's not about how smart I am. how clever I am. It's about the foundation of the people that come back here every day to work with me. And so thriving for me is when people say, good morning, jefe, or they become supervisors, or they've been with me for a year, five, 10 years, or I get a written letter from a client telling me how amazing my organization is. And so I feed off of the responses of others. Transforming Negative Tone with Buffer Boomerang I have a buffer boomerang technique where if somebody asks you a question, sometimes their tone could be negative. So what I would like to do is buffer your tone and make it positive. So I'd say, Casey, that's an excellent question. My name is Richard Blank. Reinforce it with the question, repeated what you said to show active listening, and then sent it back to you in a positive way. There's positive, there's buffer boomerangs throughout an entire phone call when someone asks you a question and makes a statement. So then let's say that your assistant's name is Susan. And I answer her question and she likes me and she's willing to transfer the call to you. Prior to that transfer to call Casey at your consulting group, I'm going to let them know that how amazing that they are when I speak with you. So I'm going to be giving a gift and moving with some momentum. weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/VRbCVWZKILw https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/O8O-r3Y3SF8 https://youtu.be/H0gnT5P4JK4 https://youtu.be/GAKngbhRvtE https://youtu.be/kbqnHBQRUeE
weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. Every day, entrepreneurs around the world wonder if they have what it takes. What it takes to put food on the table, keep clothes on their back, keep a roof over their head, build a successful business, and even if they have what it takes to create and be a part of something bigger than themselves. During each episode, Casey Clark, founder of C Clark Consulting, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn more about what it means to them to thrive, how they’re using their business in creating an impactful legacy, and what has tried to get in their way. These stories will resonate with your soul as they inspire you to manifest your vision! Casey Clark interviews Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center in episode 45 of the weTHRIVE podcast. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A We Thrive Podcast has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica as an expat. Topics discussed with Richard: advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, pinball machines, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading. Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008. Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level. Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies. We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your Favorite Pinball Games and Arcade Adventures Ooh, the one that I own or the one that I have played? The one that I own is a 1996 NBA Fast Break from Williams. It's a wonderful machine. I enjoy that the most. But when I was in Arizona, they have this amazing arcade that's in Mesa that's got like over 50 pinball machines. And I was able to play some stuff from the old 70s and the 80s and 90s. Influential Book and Life Lessons It's a wonderful question. There's so much out there. For me personally, I've dabbled in your self-helps and motivational books, but I'm more into biographies or certain sort of stories of a coming of age. My favorite book of all time was a gift that was given to me. It's from Harvey Allen. It's called Anthony Adverse. It was written in the 1930s. It's a very big, fat, long book. Anthony Adverse. And they made a movie about it as well from Harvey Allen. And so it was something that I never expected to read. But when I was in Spain, a very good friend of mine gave it to me. So when I was on the trains, I would pull out a few pages here and there. But it was it was really about a wonderful story about a dreamer that lived in since it's very long, a full life. I mean, you really go through the whole book. But it changed me a little bit. It was the discipline of reading a book that was so many pages, but also I resonate towards this main character that was finding himself and needed others where, Casey, success is built on a million thank yous, and I'd be very foolish to think I did this on my own. Show less growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry. Marriage and Video Game Battle Lines I got Hook. I got a World Cup machine, Street Fighter 2, Jokers, Lethal Weapon 3, Mousing Around, Judge Dredd, State Shuttle. Listen, when you're married to somebody, you got to choose your battles wisely. My wife can have 99% of battles when the one thing I am going to die on that hill are my video games. And Casey, thank God I got enough room at my office that I can fit them all. Positive Employee Management That's just one of so many examples. And also another one I'm going to throw back into the game room. So instead of having a meeting, Casey, where I bring you in and make you feel bad, why don't we take a recess downstairs? Let's get on the Pac-Man machine. Let's play some pinball. Five minutes later, you've let off some steam. You've recharged some batteries. You're saying, thank you, jefe. Thank you. You don't need to thank me. Thank you for allowing me to get you off the floor for a minute away from everybody. So you could calm down and reset yourself. Yeah. That's all. And then let's go back up champ. Let's do what we gotta do. Strategic Communication and Respect And the second thing is I'm going to know your name, so I'll give you the dignity. And a lot of the agents will tell me, Richard, you're the first boss that ever knew my name. And I said, unfortunately, that's true. And I might be the last, but at least while you're with me, I will know your name. And also, and also since English is their second language and it's okay that they have a slight accent to me, Casey, it bears the mark of higher education. I really insist on the thesaurus because I want them to properly express themselves. And so there are certain words that can produce a negative trigger, a rabbit hole or an ego defense. And so by using strategic words like guiding, assist and lending a hand versus helping and instead of saying, excuse me, can you repeat that? It's more, Casey, for my clarification. These are some strategic, diplomatic, and very choice structured conversations where we can really prolong conversations, increase conversion ratios. And not only that, increase the fulfillment of the agent's job. Casey, this is a very strict Catholic country. And as much as I want to fulfill the need of the agent, it's really more for the client. Thriving Through Positive Reinforcement It's really not about me, my friend. It's really about the others. It's the positive reinforcement that I get. So I could think that I'm the greatest and I'm the one man party and show and I'm the king of the castle. But if nobody shows up for my birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, I have no friends. And so for me, being in business for 14 years, it's not about how smart I am. how clever I am. It's about the foundation of the people that come back here every day to work with me. And so thriving for me is when people say, good morning, jefe, or they become supervisors, or they've been with me for a year, five, 10 years, or I get a written letter from a client telling me how amazing my organization is. And so I feed off of the responses of others. Transforming Negative Tone with Buffer Boomerang I have a buffer boomerang technique where if somebody asks you a question, sometimes their tone could be negative. So what I would like to do is buffer your tone and make it positive. So I'd say, Casey, that's an excellent question. My name is Richard Blank. Reinforce it with the question, repeated what you said to show active listening, and then sent it back to you in a positive way. There's positive, there's buffer boomerangs throughout an entire phone call when someone asks you a question and makes a statement. So then let's say that your assistant's name is Susan. And I answer her question and she likes me and she's willing to transfer the call to you. Prior to that transfer to call Casey at your consulting group, I'm going to let them know that how amazing that they are when I speak with you. So I'm going to be giving a gift and moving with some momentum. weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/VRbCVWZKILw https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/O8O-r3Y3SF8 https://youtu.be/H0gnT5P4JK4 https://youtu.be/GAKngbhRvtE https://youtu.be/kbqnHBQRUeE
weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. Every day, entrepreneurs around the world wonder if they have what it takes. What it takes to put food on the table, keep clothes on their back, keep a roof over their head, build a successful business, and even if they have what it takes to create and be a part of something bigger than themselves. During each episode, Casey Clark, founder of C Clark Consulting, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn more about what it means to them to thrive, how they’re using their business in creating an impactful legacy, and what has tried to get in their way. These stories will resonate with your soul as they inspire you to manifest your vision! Casey Clark interviews Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center in episode 45 of the weTHRIVE podcast. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A We Thrive Podcast has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica as an expat. Topics discussed with Richard: advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, pinball machines, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading. Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008. Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level. Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies. We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your Favorite Pinball Games and Arcade Adventures Ooh, the one that I own or the one that I have played? The one that I own is a 1996 NBA Fast Break from Williams. It's a wonderful machine. I enjoy that the most. But when I was in Arizona, they have this amazing arcade that's in Mesa that's got like over 50 pinball machines. And I was able to play some stuff from the old 70s and the 80s and 90s. Influential Book and Life Lessons It's a wonderful question. There's so much out there. For me personally, I've dabbled in your self-helps and motivational books, but I'm more into biographies or certain sort of stories of a coming of age. My favorite book of all time was a gift that was given to me. It's from Harvey Allen. It's called Anthony Adverse. It was written in the 1930s. It's a very big, fat, long book. Anthony Adverse. And they made a movie about it as well from Harvey Allen. And so it was something that I never expected to read. But when I was in Spain, a very good friend of mine gave it to me. So when I was on the trains, I would pull out a few pages here and there. But it was it was really about a wonderful story about a dreamer that lived in since it's very long, a full life. I mean, you really go through the whole book. But it changed me a little bit. It was the discipline of reading a book that was so many pages, but also I resonate towards this main character that was finding himself and needed others where, Casey, success is built on a million thank yous, and I'd be very foolish to think I did this on my own. Show less growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry. Marriage and Video Game Battle Lines I got Hook. I got a World Cup machine, Street Fighter 2, Jokers, Lethal Weapon 3, Mousing Around, Judge Dredd, State Shuttle. Listen, when you're married to somebody, you got to choose your battles wisely. My wife can have 99% of battles when the one thing I am going to die on that hill are my video games. And Casey, thank God I got enough room at my office that I can fit them all. Positive Employee Management That's just one of so many examples. And also another one I'm going to throw back into the game room. So instead of having a meeting, Casey, where I bring you in and make you feel bad, why don't we take a recess downstairs? Let's get on the Pac-Man machine. Let's play some pinball. Five minutes later, you've let off some steam. You've recharged some batteries. You're saying, thank you, jefe. Thank you. You don't need to thank me. Thank you for allowing me to get you off the floor for a minute away from everybody. So you could calm down and reset yourself. Yeah. That's all. And then let's go back up champ. Let's do what we gotta do. Strategic Communication and Respect And the second thing is I'm going to know your name, so I'll give you the dignity. And a lot of the agents will tell me, Richard, you're the first boss that ever knew my name. And I said, unfortunately, that's true. And I might be the last, but at least while you're with me, I will know your name. And also, and also since English is their second language and it's okay that they have a slight accent to me, Casey, it bears the mark of higher education. I really insist on the thesaurus because I want them to properly express themselves. And so there are certain words that can produce a negative trigger, a rabbit hole or an ego defense. And so by using strategic words like guiding, assist and lending a hand versus helping and instead of saying, excuse me, can you repeat that? It's more, Casey, for my clarification. These are some strategic, diplomatic, and very choice structured conversations where we can really prolong conversations, increase conversion ratios. And not only that, increase the fulfillment of the agent's job. Casey, this is a very strict Catholic country. And as much as I want to fulfill the need of the agent, it's really more for the client. Thriving Through Positive Reinforcement It's really not about me, my friend. It's really about the others. It's the positive reinforcement that I get. So I could think that I'm the greatest and I'm the one man party and show and I'm the king of the castle. But if nobody shows up for my birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, I have no friends. And so for me, being in business for 14 years, it's not about how smart I am. how clever I am. It's about the foundation of the people that come back here every day to work with me. And so thriving for me is when people say, good morning, jefe, or they become supervisors, or they've been with me for a year, five, 10 years, or I get a written letter from a client telling me how amazing my organization is. And so I feed off of the responses of others. Transforming Negative Tone with Buffer Boomerang I have a buffer boomerang technique where if somebody asks you a question, sometimes their tone could be negative. So what I would like to do is buffer your tone and make it positive. So I'd say, Casey, that's an excellent question. My name is Richard Blank. Reinforce it with the question, repeated what you said to show active listening, and then sent it back to you in a positive way. There's positive, there's buffer boomerangs throughout an entire phone call when someone asks you a question and makes a statement. So then let's say that your assistant's name is Susan. And I answer her question and she likes me and she's willing to transfer the call to you. Prior to that transfer to call Casey at your consulting group, I'm going to let them know that how amazing that they are when I speak with you. So I'm going to be giving a gift and moving with some momentum. weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/VRbCVWZKILw https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/O8O-r3Y3SF8 https://youtu.be/H0gnT5P4JK4 https://youtu.be/GAKngbhRvtE https://youtu.be/kbqnHBQRUeE
weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. Every day, entrepreneurs around the world wonder if they have what it takes. What it takes to put food on the table, keep clothes on their back, keep a roof over their head, build a successful business, and even if they have what it takes to create and be a part of something bigger than themselves. During each episode, Casey Clark, founder of C Clark Consulting, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn more about what it means to them to thrive, how they’re using their business in creating an impactful legacy, and what has tried to get in their way. These stories will resonate with your soul as they inspire you to manifest your vision! Casey Clark interviews Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center in episode 45 of the weTHRIVE podcast. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A We Thrive Podcast has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica as an expat. Topics discussed with Richard: advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, pinball machines, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading. Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008. Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level. Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies. We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your Favorite Pinball Games and Arcade Adventures Ooh, the one that I own or the one that I have played? The one that I own is a 1996 NBA Fast Break from Williams. It's a wonderful machine. I enjoy that the most. But when I was in Arizona, they have this amazing arcade that's in Mesa that's got like over 50 pinball machines. And I was able to play some stuff from the old 70s and the 80s and 90s. Influential Book and Life Lessons It's a wonderful question. There's so much out there. For me personally, I've dabbled in your self-helps and motivational books, but I'm more into biographies or certain sort of stories of a coming of age. My favorite book of all time was a gift that was given to me. It's from Harvey Allen. It's called Anthony Adverse. It was written in the 1930s. It's a very big, fat, long book. Anthony Adverse. And they made a movie about it as well from Harvey Allen. And so it was something that I never expected to read. But when I was in Spain, a very good friend of mine gave it to me. So when I was on the trains, I would pull out a few pages here and there. But it was it was really about a wonderful story about a dreamer that lived in since it's very long, a full life. I mean, you really go through the whole book. But it changed me a little bit. It was the discipline of reading a book that was so many pages, but also I resonate towards this main character that was finding himself and needed others where, Casey, success is built on a million thank yous, and I'd be very foolish to think I did this on my own. Show less growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry. Marriage and Video Game Battle Lines I got Hook. I got a World Cup machine, Street Fighter 2, Jokers, Lethal Weapon 3, Mousing Around, Judge Dredd, State Shuttle. Listen, when you're married to somebody, you got to choose your battles wisely. My wife can have 99% of battles when the one thing I am going to die on that hill are my video games. And Casey, thank God I got enough room at my office that I can fit them all. Positive Employee Management That's just one of so many examples. And also another one I'm going to throw back into the game room. So instead of having a meeting, Casey, where I bring you in and make you feel bad, why don't we take a recess downstairs? Let's get on the Pac-Man machine. Let's play some pinball. Five minutes later, you've let off some steam. You've recharged some batteries. You're saying, thank you, jefe. Thank you. You don't need to thank me. Thank you for allowing me to get you off the floor for a minute away from everybody. So you could calm down and reset yourself. Yeah. That's all. And then let's go back up champ. Let's do what we gotta do. Strategic Communication and Respect And the second thing is I'm going to know your name, so I'll give you the dignity. And a lot of the agents will tell me, Richard, you're the first boss that ever knew my name. And I said, unfortunately, that's true. And I might be the last, but at least while you're with me, I will know your name. And also, and also since English is their second language and it's okay that they have a slight accent to me, Casey, it bears the mark of higher education. I really insist on the thesaurus because I want them to properly express themselves. And so there are certain words that can produce a negative trigger, a rabbit hole or an ego defense. And so by using strategic words like guiding, assist and lending a hand versus helping and instead of saying, excuse me, can you repeat that? It's more, Casey, for my clarification. These are some strategic, diplomatic, and very choice structured conversations where we can really prolong conversations, increase conversion ratios. And not only that, increase the fulfillment of the agent's job. Casey, this is a very strict Catholic country. And as much as I want to fulfill the need of the agent, it's really more for the client. Thriving Through Positive Reinforcement It's really not about me, my friend. It's really about the others. It's the positive reinforcement that I get. So I could think that I'm the greatest and I'm the one man party and show and I'm the king of the castle. But if nobody shows up for my birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, I have no friends. And so for me, being in business for 14 years, it's not about how smart I am. how clever I am. It's about the foundation of the people that come back here every day to work with me. And so thriving for me is when people say, good morning, jefe, or they become supervisors, or they've been with me for a year, five, 10 years, or I get a written letter from a client telling me how amazing my organization is. And so I feed off of the responses of others. Transforming Negative Tone with Buffer Boomerang I have a buffer boomerang technique where if somebody asks you a question, sometimes their tone could be negative. So what I would like to do is buffer your tone and make it positive. So I'd say, Casey, that's an excellent question. My name is Richard Blank. Reinforce it with the question, repeated what you said to show active listening, and then sent it back to you in a positive way. There's positive, there's buffer boomerangs throughout an entire phone call when someone asks you a question and makes a statement. So then let's say that your assistant's name is Susan. And I answer her question and she likes me and she's willing to transfer the call to you. Prior to that transfer to call Casey at your consulting group, I'm going to let them know that how amazing that they are when I speak with you. So I'm going to be giving a gift and moving with some momentum. weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/VRbCVWZKILw https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/O8O-r3Y3SF8 https://youtu.be/H0gnT5P4JK4 https://youtu.be/GAKngbhRvtE https://youtu.be/kbqnHBQRUeE
weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. Every day, entrepreneurs around the world wonder if they have what it takes. What it takes to put food on the table, keep clothes on their back, keep a roof over their head, build a successful business, and even if they have what it takes to create and be a part of something bigger than themselves. During each episode, Casey Clark, founder of C Clark Consulting, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn more about what it means to them to thrive, how they’re using their business in creating an impactful legacy, and what has tried to get in their way. These stories will resonate with your soul as they inspire you to manifest your vision! Casey Clark interviews Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica's Call Center in episode 45 of the weTHRIVE podcast. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A We Thrive Podcast has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica as an expat. Topics discussed with Richard: advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, pinball machines, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading. Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008. Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level. Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies. We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your Favorite Pinball Games and Arcade Adventures Ooh, the one that I own or the one that I have played? The one that I own is a 1996 NBA Fast Break from Williams. It's a wonderful machine. I enjoy that the most. But when I was in Arizona, they have this amazing arcade that's in Mesa that's got like over 50 pinball machines. And I was able to play some stuff from the old 70s and the 80s and 90s. Influential Book and Life Lessons It's a wonderful question. There's so much out there. For me personally, I've dabbled in your self-helps and motivational books, but I'm more into biographies or certain sort of stories of a coming of age. My favorite book of all time was a gift that was given to me. It's from Harvey Allen. It's called Anthony Adverse. It was written in the 1930s. It's a very big, fat, long book. Anthony Adverse. And they made a movie about it as well from Harvey Allen. And so it was something that I never expected to read. But when I was in Spain, a very good friend of mine gave it to me. So when I was on the trains, I would pull out a few pages here and there. But it was it was really about a wonderful story about a dreamer that lived in since it's very long, a full life. I mean, you really go through the whole book. But it changed me a little bit. It was the discipline of reading a book that was so many pages, but also I resonate towards this main character that was finding himself and needed others where, Casey, success is built on a million thank yous, and I'd be very foolish to think I did this on my own. Show less growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry. Marriage and Video Game Battle Lines I got Hook. I got a World Cup machine, Street Fighter 2, Jokers, Lethal Weapon 3, Mousing Around, Judge Dredd, State Shuttle. Listen, when you're married to somebody, you got to choose your battles wisely. My wife can have 99% of battles when the one thing I am going to die on that hill are my video games. And Casey, thank God I got enough room at my office that I can fit them all. Positive Employee Management That's just one of so many examples. And also another one I'm going to throw back into the game room. So instead of having a meeting, Casey, where I bring you in and make you feel bad, why don't we take a recess downstairs? Let's get on the Pac-Man machine. Let's play some pinball. Five minutes later, you've let off some steam. You've recharged some batteries. You're saying, thank you, jefe. Thank you. You don't need to thank me. Thank you for allowing me to get you off the floor for a minute away from everybody. So you could calm down and reset yourself. Yeah. That's all. And then let's go back up champ. Let's do what we gotta do. Strategic Communication and Respect And the second thing is I'm going to know your name, so I'll give you the dignity. And a lot of the agents will tell me, Richard, you're the first boss that ever knew my name. And I said, unfortunately, that's true. And I might be the last, but at least while you're with me, I will know your name. And also, and also since English is their second language and it's okay that they have a slight accent to me, Casey, it bears the mark of higher education. I really insist on the thesaurus because I want them to properly express themselves. And so there are certain words that can produce a negative trigger, a rabbit hole or an ego defense. And so by using strategic words like guiding, assist and lending a hand versus helping and instead of saying, excuse me, can you repeat that? It's more, Casey, for my clarification. These are some strategic, diplomatic, and very choice structured conversations where we can really prolong conversations, increase conversion ratios. And not only that, increase the fulfillment of the agent's job. Casey, this is a very strict Catholic country. And as much as I want to fulfill the need of the agent, it's really more for the client. Thriving Through Positive Reinforcement It's really not about me, my friend. It's really about the others. It's the positive reinforcement that I get. So I could think that I'm the greatest and I'm the one man party and show and I'm the king of the castle. But if nobody shows up for my birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, I have no friends. And so for me, being in business for 14 years, it's not about how smart I am. how clever I am. It's about the foundation of the people that come back here every day to work with me. And so thriving for me is when people say, good morning, jefe, or they become supervisors, or they've been with me for a year, five, 10 years, or I get a written letter from a client telling me how amazing my organization is. And so I feed off of the responses of others. Transforming Negative Tone with Buffer Boomerang I have a buffer boomerang technique where if somebody asks you a question, sometimes their tone could be negative. So what I would like to do is buffer your tone and make it positive. So I'd say, Casey, that's an excellent question. My name is Richard Blank. Reinforce it with the question, repeated what you said to show active listening, and then sent it back to you in a positive way. There's positive, there's buffer boomerangs throughout an entire phone call when someone asks you a question and makes a statement. So then let's say that your assistant's name is Susan. And I answer her question and she likes me and she's willing to transfer the call to you. Prior to that transfer to call Casey at your consulting group, I'm going to let them know that how amazing that they are when I speak with you. So I'm going to be giving a gift and moving with some momentum. weTHRIVE Podcast. A Philadelphia entrepreneur living in Costa Rica has what it takes. Episode 45. https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/VRbCVWZKILw https://youtu.be/nJyrY8dD91A https://youtu.be/O8O-r3Y3SF8 https://youtu.be/H0gnT5P4JK4 https://youtu.be/GAKngbhRvtE https://youtu.be/kbqnHBQRUeE
Slovenian police played with car dashboard warning lights System warning indicator light was one of the specialties of psychiatrist Peter Kapš he loved to play with during MK Ultra https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2024/12/neighbor-metod-jerman-was-mostly-one.html AND https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2024/12/novo-mesto-police-investigators-have.html
※ 当チャンネルは、教育的コンテンツの公開を通じて、各種被害の予防及び再発防止並びにその他の不正の糾弾及び弱者救済を意図し、日本国内の身近に潜む一般社会・家庭の闇を暴くことを主たる内容とするものです。 また、報道や2ch/5chスレの引用や有名な事件・事故の題材化よりも、UP主・筆者が知人等から情報提供を得たもの、又はUP主・筆者本人が遭遇し、若しくは知り得た情報を主な動画の題材にする一方で、多くの2chスレ動画のような簡易ゆっくり動画形式をとりたいと思います。 注意喚起のためにクリティカルな描写がありますが、極力、過激な表現を忌避して一般的・マイルドな表現に落とし込みつつも、被害の実態をリアルに伝達し、被害者救済・再発防止に係る啓発を意図しておりますので、ご理解くださいますよう、お願いいたします。 ・動画編集ソフト ゆっくりMovieMaker 様 ・音声合成エンジン AquesTalk 様 ・イラスト 1.いらすとや 様 ・効果音 効果音ラボ 様 ・BGM 1. 0:00 ※本物曲※ わくわくクッキングタイム的なBGM / 鷹尾まさき 様 2. 2:05 ※偽物曲※ 踊る絵筆 / BGMer 様 3. 3:54 ※本物曲※ アトリエと電脳世界 / しゃろう 様 4. 6:36 ※偽物曲※ 雨上がりのメヌエット / BGMer 様 5. 8:42 魔王魂 旧ゲーム音楽 街05B / 森田交一 様 ※ BGMer様による盗作振りを堪能くださいませ。 ・今回のお話 今回のテーマは、何方もが了知なさっている悪しき下等生物=マスゴミによる激甚災害発生時のヘリコプターを使った現場取材行為の危険性及び悪質性並びに彼らの反駁の詭弁振りの糾弾についてです。 如何にマスゴミという悪しき生命体が、自己中心的な偽善・独善的な思考パターンに基づき、専ら自己正当化にばかり拘泥し、屁理屈のみは超一流であるかが窺い知れます。あの飽くまで詐欺に騙され易き思考停止状態の人種を騙す欺瞞生成装置としてのみの知性の高さが彼らの悪しき唯一無二の長所と思料されます。 マスゴミの反駁は定番化しており、公安職の災害救助ヘリよりも先にマスゴミの取材ヘリの方が総じて現場に到着し、且つ満更高みの見物に終始している訳ではないし、直接救助活動はできかねるが、必要に応じて災害救助ヘリに無線で連絡及び要請し、より迅速な救助活動に貢献した「こと『も』ある」、とのこと。 それは、宝くじで高額当選するかの如く、専らの鬮運であり、単なる偶然たる一事を必然たる万事に読替える、詐欺師の手法である「一部の全体化」の典型例であります。 そんな極々一部の偶然性高き僅少たる功績のみを盾に、日々、総じて必然的に、救助活動の妨害を恒常化させているのです。 具体的には、世論で最も耳にする「いつまでも着陸せずに現場付近を飛び続ける報道ヘリの継続的な騒音により、瓦礫等に埋もれた被災者による、助けを呼ぶかすかな文言が聞こえなくなり、助かる命が助からなくなる。」というもののみならず、災害救助ヘリそのものに対する航路妨害であります。 ここでもマスゴミは聞き苦しい甚だ滑稽な下等生物ならではの言い訳を露呈なさいます。「そもそも比較的高度が高い我々報道のヘリと低い災害救助ヘリとでは、競合することなんてありえないんですよ。」などと。 場加もやすみやすみ言えと。災害救助ヘリの低空飛行(所謂「ホバリング」)は、飽くまで救助対象の現場付近でのことであって、それ以外はホバリングせずに普通に上空を高らかに飛行されます。マスゴミの報道ヘリと諸に被ります。 また、先述の総じて救助ヘリよりも報道ヘリの方が早く現場へ到着するのにも、悪しき理由がございます。それは単純です。救助ヘリは当然に救急車同様、緊急にして一般の乗り物以上に安全第一で極端に慎重なスタンスを貫徹なさいます。極度の法令順守及び安全運転ゆえに、現場への到着が恒常的に、法令無視の乱暴なマスゴミの報道ヘリよりもどうしても遅れてしまいます。 その上で、飛行高度が報道ヘリと救助ヘリとで被るとどういうことになるかは、一目瞭然です。 先に、現場付近の上空を旋回して、いつまでも停留し続けるマスゴミの報道ヘリが、例の如く災害救助ヘリの着陸等を妨害するのです。 ただでさえ、災害救助ヘリ同士の衝突等の二次災害を極度に警戒している救助ヘリに対して、その警戒対象を著しく不当に増加させているのがマスゴミの報道ヘリでございます。 このように、マスゴミの報道ヘリは、唯々専ら害悪でしかないのです。それにも拘わらず、マスゴミは自身のウェブサイト等の区祖メディアを通じて、冒頭で述べた通り己の悪行を尽く欺瞞を以て独善的に美化しているのです。 他人様の命を蔑ろにし、及び人命救助に従事する公安職の皆様の公務執行妨害をしでかし、並びに被災者様をはじめとする他人様の不幸を食い物にし、及び被災者様その他の関係者の皆様の感情を、悪しき高みの見物行為及び災害救助妨害等公務執行妨害行為を以て逆なでする、もはや人間社会の吾味・区図・加素とも酷評すべく悪しき下等生物=マスゴミの凶行は、辛辣及び苛烈にして継続的な世論による糾弾行為を以て、是が非でも阻止せねばなりません。 それと蛇足ですが、マスゴミ連中、事あるごとに各種メディアを以て、素人の一般庶民相手に、「近頃の国民の日本語力の低下が…。」などと戯言を吐いておりますが、これは例えばプロ野球選手がプロフェッショナルな視点を以て、スポーツ音痴の一般人の各種フォームその他のスキルに難癖をつけているのと同義で、甚だ滑稽でございます。 そもそも世界的に、遍く素人たる一般人ネイティヴこそが、母国語を学問としてではなく生活習慣として無意識な動物的本能を以て、然したる思考をせずして習得及び行使しているので、いちいち厳密な文法も意識しなければ、地域特性等に起因する素人の慣例を以て、あらゆる間違った単語、熟語及び言い回しを習得為さいます。 例えば、「食べられない」を「食べれない」とか、「こんにちは/こんばんは」をわの字で「こんにちわ/こんばんわ」とか、物事を強調すべくときに「甚だ」ではなく正反対の「些か」を誤用したり、「最初/令嬢/子息/令息/御本人」などの単体で充分なものに重複して「一番最初/御令嬢/御子息/御令息/御本人様」としたり、「的を射る」を「的を得る」と誤記したり、「世論(よろん)」を「せろん」、「重複(ちょうふく)」を「じゅうふく」と誤読したりと。 しかし、こんな些細なものは決して誤解を招いたり、著しく語感を損ねること無き、然したるものでは無き、意にも介さぬことが望ましきことであり、看過すべく事柄でございます。 それに、プロフェッショナルであるマスゴミが素人相手にムキになって指摘して神様面を引っ提げているのは、甚だグロテスクな醜態でしかありません。 一方、当のマスゴミこそが、近年、メモも碌に取らず、書籍も読まず、思考回路が退化し、散々ご自身で素人相手に指摘してきた「食べれない」、「一番最初」、「些か」、「的を得る」、「御令嬢」、挙句の果てには「こんばんわ」及び「こんにちわ」並びに手書きの際は「講義」に余分に言偏を付与して「講議」と誤記したり、否定形の文脈で「~にも拘わらず」を無条件化の語句である「~にも関わらず」又は「~に関わらず」などと誤用し、同じくしばしば逆効果を示す否定形の文脈で「却って」を原点回帰の「返って」と誤用し、糸偏と言偏の使い分けができずに「一緒」を言偏で「一諸」と誤記し、「代表取締役」を言偏で「代表取諦役」と誤記したり、「知識」を糸偏で「知織」と誤記したり、「世論」を「せろん」と誤読し、「擁護」、「庇護」、「瑕疵」、「蹂躪」、「捏造」、「著しい」、「顕著」、「歪(いびつ)」、「歪曲」、「乖離」、「毀損」、「然る」、「脅かす」、「脅威」、「隠蔽」、「露呈」、「忌避」、「元凶」、などという然したる専門性無き一般社会の文言すら、書けないならまだしも読めないばかりか、言葉そのものを知らない始末。もはやプロフェッショナルな人文科目専門家としてあるまじき醜態を恒常的に晒し続けております。 マスゴミの悪辣振り、それ即ち無限なり。 何れにしても、マスゴミの如く悪しき生命体が駆逐又は矯正され、災害被災者様及びその関係者の皆様が平穏な日常を取り戻されますことを、祈念申し上げます。
人妻さんが毎晩行うストレッチをご紹介します。 美容と健康の為にも一緒にストレッチいかがでしょうか!? プロフもご覧なってみて下さい。
アダルトビデオのモザイクってどうやってかけてるんでしょう? 今回はPremiereを使って、より実践的なモザイクのかけかたについて、説明いたします。 マスクのかけかた、マスクの変形の仕方、マスクのON・OFFについて、マスクのフェードイン、フェードアウトの仕方などについてレクチャーいたします。 アダルトビデオのモザイク処理でお困りの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ、ご参考ください。 【前回】 https://video.fc2.com/content/20200912BbxEMxh2/ ■公式HP https://www.irina-entame.com/ ■公式Twitter https://twitter.com/shirohame8585 ■note http://note.mu/shirohame8585
アダルトビデオのモザイクってどうやってかけてるんでしょう? 今回も前回に引き続き、 Premiereを使って、より実践的なモザイクのかけかたについて、説明いたします。 実際に女優さんに協力いただいて、 最も難しいといわれるフェラチオシーンにフォーカスして実践的なモザイクのかけ方について 詳しくレクチャーしていきます。 マスクのかけかた、マスクの変形の仕方、マスクのON・OFFについて、マスクのフェードイン、フェードアウトの仕方など、前回学んだことをすべて応用して、本格的なモザイクかけに挑戦です。 アダルトビデオのモザイク処理でお困りの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ、ご参考ください。 【前回】 https://video.fc2.com/content/20200912BbxEMxh2/ ■公式HP https://www.irina-entame.com/ ■公式Twitter https://twitter.com/shirohame8585 ■note http://note.mu/shirohame8585