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Daftar baru (gratis)加入臺灣素人約炮外流開車群組TG是y6929台灣喝茶閒聊群組籟97662p網站 我是介紹小姐的 俗稱”外送 茶” 外送地區:雙北 台中 高雄 新竹 彰化 台南 外送方式:旅館 酒店 住家 外約 小媛 — 首選高檔全茶 全臺正妹: 全台學生: 熟女雙飛: 外流影片: 真實客評:
Sarge Hawk and Colonel Grimm narrowly escaped by helicopter from the Tan attack on their Green base, but on the way they spot a Blue tank in the middle of the nearest town, which is very suspicious given the circumstances, and Hawk He decides to go and investigate. Trying to follow the Spy, Sarge enters some kind of strange, illuminated cave or hole, which leads him to what appears to be another world totally different from his own: a vast and gigantic world. But to the misfortune of the Blue spy, the place where they ended up is too small to escape, and Hawk captures him back for debriefing. The Spy provided a lot of information about the plans of Plastro and the Tan army, about the discovery of the "Portals" and the weapons that Plastro can get from there. Also the whereabouts of the Heroes. Having rescued Hoover, Riff, Thick, and Shrap, Sarge is informed by Colonel Grimm that Plastro sent an ultimatum to the Green nation: "Surrender or be destroyed." The only option for the Greens is for Hawk to destroy the last remaining portal, but there is a problem: this remains in the most guarded corner of Fort Plastro... FMV Mod for Army Men: Sarge's Heroes in Sega Dreamcast, adding the video cutscenes. Sarge's Heroes is a third-person shooting video game developed and published by The 3DO Company for Nintendo 64 in North America on September 28, 1999 and April 14, 2000 in Europe. The player normally controls Sarge Hawk, a sergeant of the Green Army and fights against the evil General Plastro and the Tan Army. The story is the eternal racial war between the Greens and the Tas. This is 3DO's grand attempt to incorporate a recognizable brand into the Army Men franchise. Establish a main cast, updating the generic "Sarge" from the original series to a strongman Sarge Hawk, giving him a squad, a girlfriend and an officer at the helm. It is a very successful launch, despite the fact that Jim Cummings only gives the voice to each male character, resulting quite convincing. This game helped to bring the franchise further to the subseries Sarge's Heroes. Both armies are named after the usual colors of plastic toy army men. There are two player modes: Campaign and BootCamp, in addition to the Multiplayer mode. In multiplayer mode from 2 to 4 players, players choose their character, faction (color) and difficulty. The campaign of a player is the main mode of Sarge's Heroes. The player travels through various missions, completing objectives, killing enemies, destroying vehicles and rescuing plastic allies. The BootCamp is a training level where the player learns the controls. It consists of training areas for all weapons, an obstacle course and a "real fire track". Exclusive to the PS1 version of the game are the fully animated prerendered scenes, which the Nintendo 64 lacks, thanks to the limited space in the cartridges. Even the Dreamcast version, which is nothing more than an improved copy of the N64, stuck to the pantomime narration in the engine instead of the CGI-animated FMV films. On N64 you don't have to deal with the clumsy physics and poor collision detection of PS1, even though N64 it's not perfect, it's just much better. DC is not much different to N64, but something worse. It's positive that the lack of verticality of PS1 and PC is not present in N64 and DC, because it adds a whole new dimension to the missions. The N64 version was not optimal in terms of its controls, but it was not as bad as Playstation 1 and PC. Even though the Army Men games had already established a formula for their third-person shooting games with Army Men 3D, Sarge's Heroes deviates a lot, completely overhauling almost every aspect. The camera perspective, the detail, the movement, the animation; everything has been changed to allow for a faster and less deliberate pace. Sarge Hawk can also jump, which allows for a little climbing on platforms. Pero lo worst is the time it takes the camera that follows the player to adjust itself again, so that the view that we have ahead is not so disconcertingly vacillating. The worse: the Dreamcast version has a total absence of pilotable vehicles. Only the Playstation and PC version has some tanks. The Dreamcast version is the same than N64, only with better graphics, textures, character design and voice acting included, which is why Dreamcast is probably the best version (except that the FMV is missing here too). #ArmyMenSargesHeroes #ArmyMen #Dreamcast #SargesHeroes #SegaDreamcast
Chris and the Dragon Stone Episode 2 [ Underwater City ] ~ Chapter 18 A colleague~
【朗読】超竜の石Ⅱ 海底都市編 第18話 海賊船 音声素材 VOICEVOX:冥鳴ひまり VOICEVOX:九州そら VOICEVOX Nemo VOICEVOX:ナースロボ_タイプT VOICEVOX:四国めたん VOICEVOX:青山龍星 VOICEVOX:碧斗 VOICEVOX:ちび式じい VOICEVOX:†聖騎士 紅桜†
<魂の最終章>抗い尽くした転生者が辿り着いた“愛と赦し”の境地** 数えきれない転生の中で、私たちは何度も「抗う」ことを選んできました。 でも、最後の転生者は知っています。 “抗わない強さ”こそが、本当の自由であり愛であることを。 この動画では、魂の成熟とともに訪れる「自分を愛する」という神聖なプロセスに触れます。 この身体と魂が一つとなり、今この瞬間を生きる奇跡。 それは、敬意と感謝の中で生まれる本当の自分との再会です。 あなたの魂にも、静かな共鳴が訪れますように。
Versus version (which has construction zones and parkour checkpoints ("traps") improved), v0.4.2 further improves construction zones, and adds 2 new goals (accessible through Arduino-ish tools). Have no affiliations to BUD Interactive. Map Design Code: "U0PFOWS". User ID: "C2AXFY" (has skins&props&materials which you can download&use). Was produced to replace / restore Licenses: you can choose to use through Creative Commons Attribution 2.0, Apache 2, or GPLv2. Sounds: Code which groups Arduino/Elegoo robots to perform tasks and move around obstacles: 4kW servos for $52 (no affiliations) allow consumers to construct autonomous robots which mass produce: . Use gear reduction (simple transmission: to convert the high RPM into torque. Swudu Susuwu = age 26, born from Yatagarasu (plus unknown; Susanoo?)
Discover how Amrit Ocean Resort in Riviera Beach, Florida, revitalized its event space and ballroom using Reatec architectural finishes. This renovation enhanced the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the venue, aligning with the resort's commitment to luxury and wellness. Reatec's lightweight, durable, and cost-effective materials provided an ideal solution for this transformation. Amrit Ocean Resort offers over 10,000 square feet of indoor meeting space and nearly 3.5 acres of flexible oceanfront outdoor areas, including 300 feet of private shoreline. The Hibiscus Ballroom, a highlight of the resort, features floor-to-ceiling windows and direct terrace access, accommodating more than 300 guests. Experience the transformation firsthand! Watch our video to see how Amrit Ocean Resort's event spaces were revitalized with Reatec architectural finishes. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more inspiring renovation stories! #AmritOceanResort #EventSpaceTransformation #ReatecFinishes #LuxuryEventVenue #EventPlanning #EventDesign #EventDecor #EventProfs #EventVenue #ResortRenovation
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アダルトビデオのモザイクってどうやってかけてるんでしょう? 今回はPremiereを使って、より実践的なモザイクのかけかたについて、説明いたします。 マスクのかけかた、マスクの変形の仕方、マスクのON・OFFについて、マスクのフェードイン、フェードアウトの仕方などについてレクチャーいたします。 アダルトビデオのモザイク処理でお困りの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ、ご参考ください。 【前回】 ■公式HP ■公式Twitter ■note
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