Have no affiliations to BUD Interactive.
Map Design Code: "U0PFOWS". User ID: "C2AXFY" (has skins&props&materials which you can download&use)7
Was produced to replace / restore https://video.fc2.com/content/202412245q7bpxWd
Versus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsIqq-iFzFM , v0.2.6 has switches and construction of houses.
Licenses: you can choose to use through Creative Commons Attribution 2.0, Apache 2, or GPLv2.
Sounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmleX_i5yQI
Code which groups Arduino/Elegoo robots to perform tasks and move around obstacles: https://github.com/SwuduSusuwu/SubStack/blob/preview/posts/ArduinoElegooTools.md
4kw servos for $52 (no affiliations) to construct autonomous robots which can mass produce: https://www.amazon.com/ASMC-04B-Support-12V-24V-180kg-cm-Quadcopter/dp/B07GDJBDW9/
Swudu Susuwu = age 26, born from Yatagarasu (plus unknown; Susanoo?)