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🔗Links to Purchase: http://PenimasterX.com i went ahead and actually purchased so much weight it is almost kilograms or i think a very common mistake that a lot of people do is actually how's going boys and girls in today's video i'm gonna do something ridiculous and i'm going to unbox the penimaster weight extender now i went ahead and did a complete overkill here with the PeniMaster weight extender i went ahead and actually purchased so much weight it is almost six and a half kilograms or i think 13 pounds i don't know how much is that in us units so today i'm gonna unbox it it's a brand new device that costs five almost 600 bucks to buy and i wanted to buy it because i wanted to experiment more with penis hanging or stretching with weights and not only that but i also want to do it for a short period of time so instead of stretching for many hours during the day i want to try and stretch heavily for just one hour per day and see if i'm gonna be able to get the same results that i'm getting with stretching for three to four hours the reason for that is i find it quite difficult sometimes to put in four hours of stretching per day i'm quite busy i go to the gym i work quite a bit i spend time with my girlfriend and stretching for three to four hours per day sometimes can be difficult however stretching for one hour per day i get it done early in the morning it is possible it's not that difficult and if i manage to get good results from it i'm gonna be more than happy so the results that i'm gonna get or maybe i'm gonna get i don't know i'm gonna be posting them on my only fans so if you guys are into that check out the link to my only fans in the description of this video below also i'm going to leave a link to this device in the description as well regardless let's start with the unboxing and i'm going to also take the opportunity to explain to you how each part of the PeniMaster works because now we have a brand new package i can open it up show you that impression that you are going to get if you're gonna get this device so as you can see i already have a scratch on the sticker the reason for that is the device came in a big box and it had those weights disassembled so some of them were in small bags some of them were not and apparently one of the weights actually scratched the package on the way you know with handling it with the dhl so anyways i don't care about the uh little scratch over here so this is how the PeniMaster comes actually it doesn't come like this it comes with another plain box that doesn't say anything about penis extender on it however this is the box that is going to be inside of it i also had the weights some of them were attached to each other i think of you know big part was attached to each other but others were just separately uh separated in small bags so here as you guys can see there are different sizes of weights uh i actually already used this device so i used it with the older Penimaster that i have so here each piece the big pieces is half a kilogram or 500 grams and then the smaller is 250 grams all of those and then here you have half of it is like 125 grams per each one so you can play around with them they all screw onto each other i don't know if you guys can see but you can easily like unscrew them and uh and i think it's like one of the most elegant ways for you to you know attach weights to each other so i saw other devices that would actually use uh you know the plates for the gym weights in order for them to hang on the penis i don't think it's the most elegant way especially when they are like pretty wide and they're moving they're not really attached to each other in any way and so they start making noise and moving those ones actually are one of the most elegant ways to do it however there is a disadvantage to having the weights in such shape and the disadvantage is if you are buying six kilograms of weights just like me uh the weights are gonna hit the floor so it's not something you should do uh i'm really warning you you should never hang so much weight on your dick in fact the safe amount of weight is 200 grams according to the penimaster according to the german regulations so more than that you're already starting to go into risk territory now i'm gonna experiment with that on myself you shouldn't be doing that it is very dangerous so don't do it you can maybe check out how i do it on my only fans but don't do it yourself this is dangerous it's only for experimental purposes now having this much weight i did wear around like three kilograms so almost half maybe a little bit less than this up to here uh it's comfortable to wear like you can wear it while standing i usually do it while standing maybe i would be writing or using my laptop while standing if you do it while sitting it's a little bit more complicated so this device is mainly made to be used while standing and while at home it's going to be very difficult to wear it outside so i do realize it's not something that you might want to use if you are planning to be using the device for many hours and be using it outside i just want to use it for one hour in a day and i don't mind hanging a bunch of weights for one hour during the day now i want to show you how all this works first of all let's unbox this device and as you guys can see inside there are some parts missing because i didn't want to buy them because they're just going to be useless for the weights so the thing that i did not buy is the device that usually comes in this place i'm going to be using the weight so i'm not going to need the device to stretch my dick um the other stuff this is the manual now they're starting to do it online so they're not really you know providing you with a paper manual which i think it's you know it's fine you know you shouldn't be printing so much paper just for you to show people how to use the device especially when you can show them through video on the online website now a few things that i want to mention and i want to also show you how you can adjust this device to yourself so this is how the device comes like or the cup of the PeniMaster this is how it comes like so the mistake a lot of people do is by going ahead and using this cup the way it comes so there are quite a few ways to adjust this cup to your penis size i would say this cup at this point would fit like a medium or an average penis head and it might slip if you are below average if your dick is smaller and if you are bigger you might wanna also change the rubbers here i'm gonna explain to you exactly how to do it so as you guys can see there are two parts that you can adjust and you should adjust them according to your penis size now there are those small plastics and those small plastics should sit onto this part so you actually have to remove the rubber and then before you put the rubber again you should actually put those pieces like this i don't know if you guys can see you should put the pieces like this under the rubber so you can make the opening smaller and in this way if your dick is on the thin side then you can basically adjust it to your dick thickness and if you are even thinner than that then they provide you with a couple of pieces of plastic that i tried using them but this is just way too thin for me uh for me i would say this is quite like a tight fit the medium ones are pretty tight the smaller ones it's already painful like i can not fit my dick inside uh this i'm actually using it quite fine so in my case i don't really have to adjust it but for many people you might want to adjust it yourself now another thing is you are seeing here the i don't know i think it's they're called sluices those rubbers that you can change so it's replacement parts now there are a few colors and as you can see there are they are all different sizes and again you have to change them according to your dick size or the head of your penis so the green is a smaller the transparent ones are the beige are the medium and the blue are the biggest so if you are on the big side try the blue for me personally the beige ones work the best uh i haven't really tried the green ones perhaps i should give it a shot but for me the the beige works just fine but in case you're having problems attaching the vacuum chamber to the head of your penis try playing around with all the spare parts try to find the best fit for you and then once you find the best fit for you you can buy perhaps more replacement parts so you can use the device for longer periods of time so this is the pump and the way you're gonna use the pump is pretty simple you are going to press to create the vacuum inside and you have to attach it and then once you attach it you have to turn it like this and once you turn it like this i don't know if you can see but the inside expands and you can do that multiple times actually just twice and you can vacuum again to secure your dick in place now this is how it works and to release the pressure you need to just twist it like this and now it's back to normal so this is how you vacuum the head of your penis inside it is very important to use the provided lube so it's a special loop it's pretty thick and pretty sticky and you're supposed to lubricate the opening here and lubricate the head of your penis this thing lasts for a really long time i had it for a few months before i needed to buy a replacement you only need just a drop of it it's a very very thick and condensed lube so you don't really need much of it so you have to put it on the opening put it on your dick put your dick at the opening here and then vacuum the whole thing inside now i show all of this on my only fans i can't really show it on my dick here on youtube because it's youtube so if you want to see me using it in action and you know hanging those weights on my dick it's on my only fans already so feel free to check out the link in the description below so this is the package that you're getting if you are buying the pini master weight extender obviously you're not gonna get all this weight you will probably get like this much weight only so 1200 grams because that's what you should be stretching however if you do buy the penimaster pro you are going to get the device so you can stretch your dick using the device and you're gonna get the belt which is so far my favorite way of stretching if i'm gonna you know be out walking and you know stretching for many hours i would prefer using the belt again i'm showing that in other videos or on my only fans you can check out exactly how i use the pity master myself so now i want to show you guys how the weights work and how do you attach it to that head of your penis so as you guys can see there are many sizes of weights so you can unscrew them easily and you know you can add gradually you can start slow and you can add more weights gradually and once you find the right weight for you i'm going to tell you exactly how to attach it so once you find the right weight for you assuming this is the right weight you should never use so much weight so don't do as i do then you will vacuum the head of your penis here and you will attach it like this so this will be hanging between your legs now you might be wondering what is this part this part is the safety belt so the safety belt is the belt that you are supposed to wear on your body like so and when you are stretching your dick this is just gonna be a safety belt so this is not going to be holding the weights the weights are going to be stretched by your dick however if it happens and your dick slips off from this cup this is going to ensure that the weight does not smash into the floor or on your legs so this is a safety belt that you should probably be using and it's really cool that they thought of it i know that most other way penis stretchers they don't have this safety feature so you have it over here from my personal experience if the vacuum head didn't slip at the beginning when you put the weights it's probably not gonna slip after so the way you make it not slip is by first of all adjusting it to the size of your dick or the head of your dick number two and it's very important that it is once you vacuum the head of your penis into this vacuum chamber you should really give it some time to expand inside and after it expands inside it's going to be held much more securely in place and it's not going to slip a very common mistake that a lot of people do is actually vacuuming the head of their penis inside and then trying to use the device immediately without waiting now when you do that you don't really allow time for the head of your penis to expand inside and to hold in place so give it a few minutes before you attach the weights on it and before you attach the weights on it try to hold it with your hand and stretch it and see if it's holding securely in place if it's holding securely in place then you can attach the weight or the belt or whatever works for you but first give it some time and then it's gonna work really well and once it's holding it doesn't slip and it's very very comfortable so that is all i have for you today this is the unboxing of the six seven kilos of Penimaster weight extender i'm gonna leave a link for this device and for my only fans page in the description of this video below and in the comment section if you guys like this video i'd really appreciate it if you leave it a thumbs up also if you're new here and you like such stuff for men feel free to subscribe to the channel hit the bell icon and anyways let me know in the comment section below do you guys prefer that weight stretching or do you prefer the belt or the penisextender the device i'd really love to hear from you in any ways i'm going gonna see you in the next video bye
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アダルトビデオのモザイクってどうやってかけてるんでしょう? 今回はPremiereを使って、より実践的なモザイクのかけかたについて、説明いたします。 マスクのかけかた、マスクの変形の仕方、マスクのON・OFFについて、マスクのフェードイン、フェードアウトの仕方などについてレクチャーいたします。 アダルトビデオのモザイク処理でお困りの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ、ご参考ください。 【前回】 https://video.fc2.com/content/20200912BbxEMxh2/ ■公式HP https://www.irina-entame.com/ ■公式Twitter https://twitter.com/shirohame8585 ■note http://note.mu/shirohame8585