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Daftar baru (gratis)El episodio comienza con la familia Robinson preparándose para el lanzamiento de su nave, la Jupiter 2, en una misión para colonizar el planeta Alpha Centauri. Sin embargo, el Dr. Zachary Smith, un espía que trabaja para una nación extranjera, sabotea la nave reprogramando al robot para que destruya los sistemas de control poco después del despegue. Smith también se las arregla para colarse a bordo como polizón, lo que provoca que la Jupiter 2 se desvíe de su curso y se pierda en el espacio.
L.A Affect is dedicated to the people of Los Angeles who lost their homes & keep sakes in the fires
【無料】テンプレート、あげます。 https://konohaya.com/cast ▼【無料】ネット集客テンプレート全13種 https://konohaya.com/cast ▼【無料】ネット集客デザイン画像テンプレート全7種 https://konohaya.com/template/design2 ▼このは屋の無料メールマガジン https://konohaya.com/magazine/youtube ▼このは屋のLINE公式アカウント https://lin.ee/jk12V4f ▼このは屋のmixi2アカウント https://mixi.social/@konohayach ============================== ■ このは屋について ■ おすすめ無料テンプレート ■ テンプレートの使い方動画 ■ このは屋のセミナー ■ 運営音声メディア ■ その他運営メディア ============================== 【このは屋について】 ・このは屋 https://konohaya.com/ ・このは屋の使命・理念について https://youtu.be/Mk6_as_Q_ns 【おすすめ無料テンプレート】 ・【無料】ネット集客テンプレート全13種 https://konohaya.com/yt ・【無料】ネット集客デザイン画像テンプレート全7種 https://konohaya.com/yt2 【テンプレートの使い方動画】 ・ネット集客テンプレートの使い方まとめ https://youtu.be/b4kqcJe400c ・ネット集客デザイン画像テンプレートの使い方まとめ https://youtu.be/bDMQCFxdstU 【このは屋のセミナー】 ・『ランディングページの作り方 & ウェブセールスコピーライティング』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/lp ・『オンラインで商売をする方法(DX化)& 外注無しのネット集客7大ツール』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/7tool ・『Facebook広告 & Instagram広告の始め方』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/fbad ・『WordPress集客ブログの始め方 & コンテンツマーケティング』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/wordpress ・『メルマガの書き方 & リストマーケティング』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/listmarketing ・『6大SNS広告の始め方 & 低コスト広告運用法』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/snsad ・『会員制ビジネス&継続課金(サブスクリプション)モデルの作り方』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/membership ・『労働集約型から脱却する方法&知識集約型ビジネスモデルの作り方』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/info ・『デジタルコンテンツビジネス&オンライン講座の作り方』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/digital ・『口下手セミナー営業の始め方 & オンラインセミナー』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/webinar ・『低ハードルYouTube実践法&オンライン動画マーケティング』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/youtube ・『LINE公式活用&デジタルマーケティングファネルの作り方』攻略セミナー https://konohaya.com/seminar/line 【このは屋の音声配信メディア】 ・Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/id1455166026 ・Spotify Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/09XcAmeMFBIt34qQToUBPu ・Audible Podcast https://amzn.asia/d/1SQVs9s ・Amazon Music Podcast https://music.amazon.co.jp/podcasts/601faefa-9c3d-4fff-b598-3aecd8e06b7f ・YouTube Music Podcast https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyDFfVfywFN5FQCOmsB95vwdusbD_ESQf ・LISTEN https://listen.style/p/konohayach ・stand.fm https://stand.fm/channels/66724858b3df4313868f672e ・Radiotalk https://radiotalk.jp/program/149867 ・Spoon https://www.spooncast.net/jp/@konohaya ・SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/konohaya 【このは屋の掲載メディア】 ・Udemy https://www.udemy.com/user/konohawu/ ・Amazon https://www.amazon.co.jp/shop/konohaya ・TED https://www.ted.com/profiles/47393342 ・ECのミカタ https://ecnomikata.com/support_company/1211/ ・Yahoo! JAPAN https://passmarket.yahoo.co.jp/seller/eventer/JQ77vwK4u8xOxHm7tq5LW1-lQLinxK_yiuQIfi0akBklftev00/ 【その他運営メディア】 ・LINE https://page.line.me/wwi2994p ・mixi2 https://mixi.social/@konohayach ・YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@konohaya ・Instagram https://www.instagram.com/konohayach/ ・Threads https://www.threads.net/@konohayach ・X(Twitter) https://twitter.com/konohayaCh ・Facebook https://www.facebook.com/konohayaCh/ ・TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@konohayach ・LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/konohayach/ ・Pinterest https://www.pinterest.jp/konohaya/ ・flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/konohaya/ ・Tumblr https://konohayach.tumblr.com/ ・note https://note.com/konohaya/n/n9021a4d40562 ・Ameba https://ameblo.jp/conohaya/ ・Bluesky https://bsky.app/profile/conohaya.bsky.social ・WordPress.com https://konohayach.wordpress.com/ 【このは屋のセミナー掲載メディア】 ・Peatix https://konohaya.peatix.com/ ・ストアカ https://www.street-academy.com/organizers/konohaya ・こくちーずプロ https://www.kokuchpro.com/group/konohaya/ ・TECH PLAY https://techplay.jp/community/konohaya ・connpass https://konohaya.connpass.com/ ・セミナーズ https://seminars.jp/hosts/36966 ・リザーブストック https://www.reservestock.jp/page/index/52955 ・everevo https://everevo.com/user/182410?open=auth #このは屋 #スモールビジネス特化の学び舎 #鼻歌まじりの商売
Frankly Francisco Podcast. "Beyond Borders in Costa Rica" The Richard Blank Hero's Journey. We are a Society & Culture Podcast with a open platform, we interview people from all walks of life & I do solo pods on subjects I am passionate about. “I can hold a conversation with anyone and use logic over emotion on many subjects whether we agree or not it will be a fun listen” I am in the financial world by trade but everyone has a purpose mine is to speak and inspire others. I give a platform to those who want to be heard thru my podcast show. I also have a production company I am trying to build and my podcast is part of the media side. I am working on a Novel and trying to expand my network I want to create something people all backgrounds want to be a part of. I found my motivation what is yours be great at what makes you happy. In this captivating episode, we explore the dynamic journey of Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC), renowned for his transformative leadership in the BPO industry. From his pioneering move to Costa Rica at 27, where he trained over 10,000 bilingual telemarketers with his motivational speaking style, to his innovative integration of gamification into CCC’s culture, Richard’s vision and dedication shine through. With a solid educational background in Communication and Spanish, coupled with his commitment to giving back, exemplified by his scholarship endowment for language students, Richard emerges not just as a business leader but as a beacon of inspiration, embodying the power of visionary leadership and community engagement. This episode encapsulates Richard Blank’s remarkable career trajectory, from his impactful training initiatives in Costa Rica to his philanthropic endeavors, underscoring his profound influence in both business and education. Through his expertise in gamification and his commitment to nurturing future talent through scholarships, Richard’s journey epitomizes the transformative potential of visionary leadership, leaving a lasting legacy of empowerment and innovation in the BPO landscape and beyond. https://costaricascallcenter.com/en/outbound-bpo-campaigns/ #FranklyFranciscoPodcast #RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Gamification #CEO #trend #trending Frankly Francisco Podcast, Richard Blank,Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending https://youtu.be/nV7SHzqc_3g https://youtu.be/Mn50Zo_HGwg https://youtube.com/shorts/vhPDPtT455Y
Frankly Francisco Podcast. "Beyond Borders in Costa Rica" The Richard Blank Hero's Journey. We are a Society & Culture Podcast with a open platform, we interview people from all walks of life & I do solo pods on subjects I am passionate about. “I can hold a conversation with anyone and use logic over emotion on many subjects whether we agree or not it will be a fun listen” I am in the financial world by trade but everyone has a purpose mine is to speak and inspire others. I give a platform to those who want to be heard thru my podcast show. I also have a production company I am trying to build and my podcast is part of the media side. I am working on a Novel and trying to expand my network I want to create something people all backgrounds want to be a part of. I found my motivation what is yours be great at what makes you happy. In this captivating episode, we explore the dynamic journey of Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC), renowned for his transformative leadership in the BPO industry. From his pioneering move to Costa Rica at 27, where he trained over 10,000 bilingual telemarketers with his motivational speaking style, to his innovative integration of gamification into CCC’s culture, Richard’s vision and dedication shine through. With a solid educational background in Communication and Spanish, coupled with his commitment to giving back, exemplified by his scholarship endowment for language students, Richard emerges not just as a business leader but as a beacon of inspiration, embodying the power of visionary leadership and community engagement. This episode encapsulates Richard Blank’s remarkable career trajectory, from his impactful training initiatives in Costa Rica to his philanthropic endeavors, underscoring his profound influence in both business and education. Through his expertise in gamification and his commitment to nurturing future talent through scholarships, Richard’s journey epitomizes the transformative potential of visionary leadership, leaving a lasting legacy of empowerment and innovation in the BPO landscape and beyond. https://costaricascallcenter.com/en/outbound-bpo-campaigns/ #FranklyFranciscoPodcast #RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Gamification #CEO #trend #trending Frankly Francisco Podcast, Richard Blank,Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending https://youtu.be/nV7SHzqc_3g https://youtu.be/Mn50Zo_HGwg https://youtube.com/shorts/vhPDPtT455Y
Frankly Francisco Podcast. "Beyond Borders in Costa Rica" The Richard Blank Hero's Journey. We are a Society & Culture Podcast with a open platform, we interview people from all walks of life & I do solo pods on subjects I am passionate about. “I can hold a conversation with anyone and use logic over emotion on many subjects whether we agree or not it will be a fun listen” I am in the financial world by trade but everyone has a purpose mine is to speak and inspire others. I give a platform to those who want to be heard thru my podcast show. I also have a production company I am trying to build and my podcast is part of the media side. I am working on a Novel and trying to expand my network I want to create something people all backgrounds want to be a part of. I found my motivation what is yours be great at what makes you happy. In this captivating episode, we explore the dynamic journey of Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC), renowned for his transformative leadership in the BPO industry. From his pioneering move to Costa Rica at 27, where he trained over 10,000 bilingual telemarketers with his motivational speaking style, to his innovative integration of gamification into CCC’s culture, Richard’s vision and dedication shine through. With a solid educational background in Communication and Spanish, coupled with his commitment to giving back, exemplified by his scholarship endowment for language students, Richard emerges not just as a business leader but as a beacon of inspiration, embodying the power of visionary leadership and community engagement. This episode encapsulates Richard Blank’s remarkable career trajectory, from his impactful training initiatives in Costa Rica to his philanthropic endeavors, underscoring his profound influence in both business and education. Through his expertise in gamification and his commitment to nurturing future talent through scholarships, Richard’s journey epitomizes the transformative potential of visionary leadership, leaving a lasting legacy of empowerment and innovation in the BPO landscape and beyond. https://costaricascallcenter.com/en/outbound-bpo-campaigns/ #FranklyFranciscoPodcast #RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Gamification #CEO #trend #trending Frankly Francisco Podcast, Richard Blank,Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending https://youtu.be/nV7SHzqc_3g https://youtu.be/Mn50Zo_HGwg https://youtube.com/shorts/vhPDPtT455Y
Frankly Francisco Podcast. "Beyond Borders in Costa Rica" The Richard Blank Hero's Journey. We are a Society & Culture Podcast with a open platform, we interview people from all walks of life & I do solo pods on subjects I am passionate about. “I can hold a conversation with anyone and use logic over emotion on many subjects whether we agree or not it will be a fun listen” I am in the financial world by trade but everyone has a purpose mine is to speak and inspire others. I give a platform to those who want to be heard thru my podcast show. I also have a production company I am trying to build and my podcast is part of the media side. I am working on a Novel and trying to expand my network I want to create something people all backgrounds want to be a part of. I found my motivation what is yours be great at what makes you happy. In this captivating episode, we explore the dynamic journey of Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC), renowned for his transformative leadership in the BPO industry. From his pioneering move to Costa Rica at 27, where he trained over 10,000 bilingual telemarketers with his motivational speaking style, to his innovative integration of gamification into CCC’s culture, Richard’s vision and dedication shine through. With a solid educational background in Communication and Spanish, coupled with his commitment to giving back, exemplified by his scholarship endowment for language students, Richard emerges not just as a business leader but as a beacon of inspiration, embodying the power of visionary leadership and community engagement. This episode encapsulates Richard Blank’s remarkable career trajectory, from his impactful training initiatives in Costa Rica to his philanthropic endeavors, underscoring his profound influence in both business and education. Through his expertise in gamification and his commitment to nurturing future talent through scholarships, Richard’s journey epitomizes the transformative potential of visionary leadership, leaving a lasting legacy of empowerment and innovation in the BPO landscape and beyond. https://costaricascallcenter.com/en/outbound-bpo-campaigns/ #FranklyFranciscoPodcast #RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Gamification #CEO #trend #trending Frankly Francisco Podcast, Richard Blank,Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,call centre, contact centre, contact center,trend, trending https://youtu.be/nV7SHzqc_3g https://youtu.be/Mn50Zo_HGwg https://youtube.com/shorts/vhPDPtT455Y
yoon_froggy 2024.08.25 dance all2
当時クリア(全実績解除)しました。 とりあえずクリアを目指す。 コメント見てますがゲーム中は返信しにくくて・・。 返信はここに書いときます。 ・(フェイブル2)積んでる。 >いつか遊んであげてください。 ・デッドライジングのリマスターやらないの? >今のところ予定なし、2と2オフレコはそのうち。 ライブ録画はアップロード時間の関係で並びがズレてる場合があります。 【ジャストコーズ】について そこそこ楽しい箱庭アクション。 実績コンプ後はほぼ遊んでないのでどうなるか。 日本版は360でのみ発売。 次回候補: 行方不明:バイオショック、アーミーオブツー、ケツイ、怒首領蜂、LAノワール、シャドーラン ・過去の配信タイトル名(個人的お気に入り度/お勧め度) プレイ総タイトル数:28本 【PS2】4 ・歸らずの森(5/4) ・絶対絶命都市(5/4) ・バイオハザード(5/5) ・バイオハザード2(5/5) 【XBOX】1 ・ヘイロー(3/3) 【XBOX360】23 ・ヴァンパイアレイン:(3/3)/3惜しい ・エルダースクロールズ4:オブリビオン(5/5) ・エルダースクロールズ5:スカイリム(5/5) ・ギアーズ オ ブウォー(5/5)only on xbox360、遊びつくした。 ・ギアーズ オブ ウォー2(5/4)only on xbox360、遊びつくした。規制がなければな。 ・ギアーズ オブ ウォー3(5/5)遊びつくした。 ・キングダムアンダーファイヤー:サークルオブドゥーム(3/3)当時としては綺麗なグラフィック。惜しい。 ・コンデムド サイコクライム(4/4)名作ホラー、ホラー好きには遊んで欲しい。 ・セイクリッド2(4/4)ハクスラ好きなら ・テストドライブ アンリミテッド(5/3) ・デッドアイランド(4/4) ・デッドライジング(5/5)only on xbox360、ゾンビゲーの名作。 ・トゥーヒューマン(5/3)only on xbox360、遊びつくした。 ・トゥーワールド2(3/3)意欲作なのは十分感じられれるが、なぜかそんなには面白くない。 ・トラスティベル(3/3)魅力的なキャラ、美しい世界感、電波シナリオでなければ・・。 ・フェイブル2(4/4)only on xbox360、記憶より楽しかった、発売がフォールアウト3の2週間後じゃなければもっと遊んでたな。犬。 ・フォールアウト3(5/5) ・ヘイロー3 ODST(4/4)only on xbox360 ・ボーダーランズ(4/4) ・マスエフェクト(4/4)only on xbox360、TPS風RPG、名作。 ・ミラーズエッジ(3/3)パルクール好きにお勧め。 ・メトロ2033(4/4)only on xbox360、世界観と装備品のデザインが好き。 ・レッド シーズ プロファイル(5/4)遊びつくした。
lyasyaa 2024.08.25 dance all
Polen im 17. Jahrhundert. Der Schafhirte Janosik nimmt Abschied von der idyllischen Bergwelt, um das Leben in den Tälern kennenzulernen. Ein Zwischenfall verändert jäh sein Leben und er wird ins Verlies geworfen.
ddooyaa 2024.09.27 dance all 2
人妻さんが毎晩行うストレッチをご紹介します。 美容と健康の為にも一緒にストレッチいかがでしょうか!? プロフもご覧なってみて下さい。
アダルトビデオのモザイクってどうやってかけてるんでしょう? 今回も前回に引き続き、 Premiereを使って、より実践的なモザイクのかけかたについて、説明いたします。 実際に女優さんに協力いただいて、 最も難しいといわれるフェラチオシーンにフォーカスして実践的なモザイクのかけ方について 詳しくレクチャーしていきます。 マスクのかけかた、マスクの変形の仕方、マスクのON・OFFについて、マスクのフェードイン、フェードアウトの仕方など、前回学んだことをすべて応用して、本格的なモザイクかけに挑戦です。 アダルトビデオのモザイク処理でお困りの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ、ご参考ください。 【前回】 https://video.fc2.com/content/20200912BbxEMxh2/ ■公式HP https://www.irina-entame.com/ ■公式Twitter https://twitter.com/shirohame8585 ■note http://note.mu/shirohame8585
アダルトビデオのモザイクってどうやってかけてるんでしょう? 今回はPremiereを使って、より実践的なモザイクのかけかたについて、説明いたします。 マスクのかけかた、マスクの変形の仕方、マスクのON・OFFについて、マスクのフェードイン、フェードアウトの仕方などについてレクチャーいたします。 アダルトビデオのモザイク処理でお困りの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ、ご参考ください。 【前回】 https://video.fc2.com/content/20200912BbxEMxh2/ ■公式HP https://www.irina-entame.com/ ■公式Twitter https://twitter.com/shirohame8585 ■note http://note.mu/shirohame8585
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